Recording Drum Room Mics: Mid/Side Configuration
Recording Drum Room Mics: Mid/Side Configuration
Recording Drum Room Mics: Mid/Side Configuration
I am getting interested in building a hardware stereo image widener circuit. I have seen a few ideas floating around based on the Middle(M) +Side(S) technique. The basic premise can be summarized into the following equations:
Encoding M and S
Middle = L+R
Side = L-R
Middle Circuit
Translating that into basic op-amp circuits, the Middle signal could be created with a summing amplifier.
So I am fairly new to folly audio recording. I was looking around youtube for how folly artist (from a beginner standpoint) typically would go about getting into folly sound production. One video recommended that I could start with a mid side audio setup for doing stereo and mono sound and recording it into a zoom H4N. So is that what you guys would suggest?
Is listening to the Mid of a Mid-Side plugin inserted on a stereo track the same as turning on the mono switch on the stereo track? I read some using the word almost. Never really got a confident yes or no.
Really looking forward to understand Mid-Side.
Hey I recently took up on a $15 upgrade to the latest version of D16 ‘Toraverb’ reverb plugin. Among a few other new options the main thing I found enticing is the M/S feature. Which allows you adjust mid and side parameters for early and late reflections separately.
I am doing some mixing for bar bands and camcordering the result for my YouTube channel.
My camcorder audio is poor so I am looking into upgrading it.
Hey everyone! It's been a few years since I've been an Avid forum user, but this place profoundly shaped my life and career when I was a young engineer. I kinda want to start by thanking all of the veteran users (I don't know how many are still here haha), but I do have a question about a process I've been trying to figure out for a few days now..
Hi guys,
We had this category a while back called showcase your work.
It's been a while since I presented a recording on my own and after a while commenting on others, I thought I was due to post something
Hi dear recording community,
i'm new, and i'm from abroad so please forgive my english.
right to the problem:
Hi there,
I've been using this setup more and more in the last year and I thought I'd share a little thing I found.
First for those who doesn't know how M/S capture is done :
(link removed by UA)
Now my secret : It doesn't work ! (well not perfectly that is)
Got your attention ?