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Ive narrowed my combo purchase down to 2.
The Voice AC30 1X12
or the Fender Hot Rod Deluxe 1X12, "Emerald."

Just want to pick your brains on the pros/cons of each. Which would you buy, if you could only have one.



anonymous Thu, 11/24/2005 - 10:44

Deluxe in a heart-beat.

The AC-30 has a very distinct character to it that, while *incredible* at what it does, really limits it's versitility. The EL84 tubes running in class-A give a very 'squishy' sound and burn out rather quickly... in contrast, the Deluxe is a much 'bigger' sounding amp (6L6's are known for clarity and a huge bottom-end) that's better suited to more applications. It's a better platform to run FX through and in terms of reliability, blows the AC30 away. To top it off, the price-tag will be MUCH less than the VOX.

gambit Tue, 11/29/2005 - 01:33

jfavela wrote: Ive narrowed my combo purchase down to 2.
The Vox AC30 1X12
or the Fender Hot Rod Deluxe 1X12 , "Emerald."

Just want to pick your brains on the pros/cons of each. Which would you buy, if you could only have one.

Can I just ask why it matters? You see you'll be the one buying the amp, playing the amp, lugging the amp around, swapping the valves, using it everyday. You're the one who will hear it on stage and it will be your guitars going through it. So the question to ask is which one do YOU like? :wink:



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