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Help with repair

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Submitted by chayol on Sun, 08/14/2011 - 22:21

Our non profit organization has 2 Elvis 12A powered speakers and a Mixer Tapco Catalina series C12 Master that have been damaged due being plugged into a outlet with reversed wires. the speakers work partially it seems that just the 1/4" socket is damaged but the three prong socket still works. The mixer seems to have damage on two mother boards.

We are located near scranton PA.

Does anyone have any ideas of were and if its possible to get replacement mother boards for this unit?




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The Catalina was made by Electro-Voice after they bought TAPCO from Greg Mackie. This company has no relationship to the current TAPCO name. You might check with E-V tech support, but since that mixer was made over 20 years ago and E-V has changed ownership 2 or 3 times since then, you may have to scrap the mixer for something more recent. Best of luck to you!

Mon, 08/15/2011 - 13:53 Permalink