23 April 2009
what will you prefer to, USB or FireWire of your audio interface?
and why?
FW for the console/front end/interface. Keep it 1 device per po
FW for the console/front end/interface. Keep it 1 device per port, no matter what they tell you. You'll avoid conflicts and lock ups this way.
USB for data storage, dongles, mice, ready-boost, etc. I put the external HD on its own USB connection, and use a USB hub for all the other goodies that won't fight for speed/space/memory.
Firewire is better for bidirectionality so is better for the int
Firewire is better for bidirectionality so is better for the interface. Your external audio hard drives are better off as USB to keep the data streams separate and because the saved audio data will be one way traffic while being recorded.