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Interfacing Ambient Recording ACN-CL to MOTU DTP

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Submitted by wildplum on Thu, 09/01/2022 - 23:22

Video has an Ambient Recording ACN-CL (which outputs carry timecode and genlock) and can provide me with output from the Ambient on a BNC cable.

I have a MOTU DTP, which has a BNC video input that can genlock to video and to VITC.

Am I correct in understanding that I can then take the DTP SMPTE output (which is on TRS) and record that on an audio track, with video being able to use that audio track in post to sync recorded audio to the recorded video?

My interface is an RME UFX which has no timecode capabilities. hence the desire to record time code to an audio track (like in the old tape days).
