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While i was reading a 500 pages manual and adjusting tape guides today i thought about... is it time to make a new group project?

Does anybody have a good idea?
If we do a song/number again then why not bring on the artist's opinion of the different results?

...And let's have Don and Thomas with os this time... if they dare? 8-)

Best Regards


Ben Godin Sun, 10/17/2004 - 15:56

Although some may disagree, the previous project did become a competition, with each person's name being released so that everyone can judge everyone. So this time, lets do something that instead of benefiting our own names, we benefit the forum community as a whole, something that will help someone or something that will make this forum an even better place for musicians to come. 8-)

TrilliumSound Sun, 10/17/2004 - 16:14

That is great Ammitsboel, I am in again!

Well, I could suggest one song from an artist that I know and will be willing to participate for the "Artists comments phase". The artists could also give some general ideas and comments before starting it as well.

Let me know anyone if you are interested to the song. The style would be something like Rock / Progressive Rock mixed and ready to be Masterized.

Good point bennyg, this will be more "neutral". Looks like the Group Projects will be better everytime...and probably more popular too.


Michael Fossenkemper Sun, 10/17/2004 - 19:57

I don't think the last one turned into a competition at all. The only reason we released the names was so 1) each would know who's is who's 2) so you can hear the different setups everyone has. I thought it was informative and was kept pleasant. Benny, even though you thought it got a little competitive, I bet you learned a lot from it. You work differently if you know you are going to be held accountable. Also if names are attached, it helps keep stupid stuff to a minimal.

i'm up for another. But if we are going to involve a 3rd party, they are going to have to do some work. and be involved in the process and may have to pen several emails to each ME to give direction.

I don't think it helps anyone not to know who's behind door 3. Don't you think it's better to be judged by your peers and get better? And not find out from clients that something isn't quite right? One of the biggest parts of an ME's job is translation. It's also one of the hardest. So I think it's a valuable tool to have other ME's listen to your work and give their opinions as to what's right and what's wrong. I think it's much better than someone saying "I don't know, it's not hitting me". Peers will give you more nuts and bolts observations. It's not Gospel but it might help.

One thing we can do is release one master at a time and focus on that, without reference to another. this might take off some of the competitive edge that BennyG didn't like.

anonymous Mon, 10/18/2004 - 03:18

Competitive or not, I think that the last group project was a great learning experience. I think the idea of releasing one master at a time is great. It will hopefully bring about deeper reviews and more constructive criticism to every master. It would also likely be easier for the reviewer to digest one or maybe two masters at a time.

TrilliumSound Mon, 10/18/2004 - 07:58

Yeah, I think it is a good idea to go one (or two) at a time. It is also true that the last time, observations and critics were not in depth (well some of them). It was a fabulous experience anyway.

Even with one at a time, we can say the names only at the end, till all the songs went through. That could be long though, if 2 or 3 persons did not put their feedbacks. Maybe we could fix a time limit for each song ?


mixandmaster Mon, 10/18/2004 - 16:00

Sounds good to me. I didn't think the last one was least I didn't approach it that way. If people thought mine sucked last time, maybe they'll be surprised that mine is better the next time or the next time.

Remember, that almost no one is going to gain/lose work from these exercises. We're all after each others gigs. ;) I, for one, like hearing how my approach stacks up to other mastering engineers. It helps keep me from getting too comfortable, and keeps me out of bad habits that I might not be aware of.

David French Wed, 10/20/2004 - 11:41

This interests me quite a bit as well. I have always been fascinated by what you MEs do and am eager to learn. I understand that including non-MEs might be a bit opf a problem as it would probably drop the overall quality level of the project and increase the number of submissions which would slow the process, but perhaps the non-ME's could take a whack at 'mastering' the track but not make submissions. If we had access to the submissions, we could still learn quite a bit by comparing our work to the work of the pros. If specific techniques were discussed, this could really be an educational experience, but perhaps that's not what you guys want. Anyway, just some thoughts to consider. I think us non-MEs should be respectful to the wishes of the MEs above all since this is their project.

anonymous Fri, 10/22/2004 - 05:24

"but perhaps the non-ME's could take a whack at 'mastering' the track but not make submissions. If we had access to the submissions, we could still learn quite a bit by comparing our work to the work of the pros"

I think this is both sensible and fair, I'm more than happy to go along with this.



TrilliumSound Tue, 11/02/2004 - 07:08

We will have the producer of the band giving his "input" before and I will post it here before starting. Can I suggest to wait till next sunday (nov 7th) to get everyone's name to this Project ?

So far we have:

1- Trillium Sound
2- Bennyg
3- mixandmaster
4- splurge
5- Massive Mastering
6- Ammitsboel
7- Mike ?

Ammitsboel, I assume you are in since you started this thread ? Mike, are you in ?


TrilliumSound Wed, 11/03/2004 - 10:15

Hi Michael,

No problem from the 2 artists, they have confirmed the songs (have to choose which one) and they will also provide their recommendations , if any from the Producer. 8-)

If you want to participate, please copy and paste this list to your reply with your name :

1- Trillium Sound
2- Bennyg
3- mixandmaster
4- splurge
5- Massive Mastering
6- Ammitsboel
7- Mike
8- David French
9- Mark Wilder
10- Radioliver

Lets say the Deadline for inscription is: Sunday Nov 7th

We can proceed like the last time. I will provide an FTP server access to all participants and I will e-mail to each of you the information to get the file; Host address, Username and Password.

I will need your e-mail address from all of you, Please, e-mail me yours. Mine is

We can take 2 full weeks to master the song. When the song is done, you will have to upload it to the FTP server. Like the last time, we can work with numbers instead of names. So when I will contact you by e-mail, I will provide to you a number and this will be also the name of your mastered file, (ex: 3.wav or 5.aif).

Sunday, Nov 21st , all the files have to be uploaded .

Ammitsboel, will you have enough time ?

If you have any suggestions, go ahead :lol:


Alécio Costa Wed, 11/03/2004 - 18:49


Just now I realized you guys are doing this nice web mastering project. WHat are the general rules for participating?
If you do need some nice pop/soul/RB/rock songs just let me know.

(Michael, your name is at the SUCESSO MAGAZINE, issue from September/october, about your vocal production at Maurício Manieris´s CD. Pity his brother died..)



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