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What is your favorite reverb unit?


Davedog Tue, 04/26/2005 - 21:00

OH WOW!! really??

My last professional road rack when I was playing a lot of guitar had one of those,a Roland SDE3000 Dig Delay,A Groove Tubes Tube Pre,And an SPX90....pretty cool for 1983 huh.All through a !972 Fender Pro-Reverb and a 1965 Vox tube Cambridge.I really liked that old Ibanez reverb...I think I know where theres still one sitting for sale cheap.

My favorite reverb.....Gotham Plate ...about 12 feet long..

AudioGaff Tue, 04/26/2005 - 22:13

While I've always liked the Ibanez SDR-1000, I prefer the previous version when Sony was making them - The MUR-201 that I've had for many yeas along with the rare optional remote that I just happen to also own.

I'm an effects slut so I don't have a single favorite reverb as reverb to me is like spice and different spice is used for different dishes.

For reverb specific chores and units that I've used dozen of times, I would include the Sony MUR-201, R7 & DRE-S777, Roland R880 & SRV-2000, Lexicon 480L and M300. TC M5000, AMS RMX-16, SPX-900, AKG ADR 68K, original Ursa Major Space Station, Quantec QRS, EMT 140 Plate, original Eventide SP2016, DSP4500 & DSP7000.

karbomusic Wed, 04/27/2005 - 14:13

Mine was an old empty living room with hardwood floors that I made a reverb chamber out of. I drilled a few holes in the floor to run cables for the mics and speaker that fed the room. (It was a rental house :-)) I really miss that thing. I would hang blankets on the walls and change mic positions to adjust the reverb but that was the only "button" it had.

It was a true band house.... We moved in right after some friends of ours got their (short lived) record deal. Firehouse is the name they used when they moved but were soon steamrolled by the popularity of grunge. We moved in right behind them, many bands lived there over the years. The company who rented it was very cool as that house was modified for recording music in so many ways and they never complained (too much)...

It was lucky to even have walls left in the end...

Best regards-


Guest Wed, 04/27/2005 - 14:44

karbomusic wrote: friends of ours got their record deal. Firehouse is the name they used when they moved

If I am correct, Firehouse is from VA.
Are you from VA? I partyed at the drummer's house in the Eastend right after they had quite a bit of money, in a big ass white house off Elko Rd.
I believe his name was Mike Foster

karbomusic Wed, 04/27/2005 - 15:08

Yep, Mikey Foster... Great guy. Yes, he and Bill Leverty (gtr) were from Virginia but they moved to Charlotte, NC in the late 80's early 90's and formed "White Heat" with Carl "CJ" Snare (singer) and Perry Richardson( Bass). The RC made them change their name to FireHouse when they got their deal but I always new them as White Heat... They moved back to VA after they got some real cash flowing...

I think Perry is from Myrtle Beach, SC where I now reside but I can't find him around anymore. I ran into him before moving to MB but havent' seen him since.

Anyhoo... They lived in Charlotte until they moved on and I moved in to their old house. I had a little band at the time that was fortunate enough to do all their opening gigs for a couple of years, until they headed to Cali with thier deal... Mike and Perry were by far the coolest guys to hang out and jam with. Some of the most down to earth guys I ever met and partied with.

CJ was from my area (charlotte). I used to watch him sing with a heavy metal cover band called "Max Warrior" all through the 80's. You know back in the days when all the cover bands were doing Judas Priest etc, etc... Last time I spoke with Perry he really wanted to play Country, maybe that is where he is now as I haven't seen him in awhile....

Those were fun days...

Best regards-


Fruition2k Wed, 04/27/2005 - 19:38

Favorite I've ever heard? EMT 250, the day I heard it I said
Lexi-who? I also had the pleasure o watching the maint tech drop both sides and fix it somehow during a session at Criteria.

A unit that I own but doesnt work, my old Master Room XL500 triple spring reverb in stereo, (6 elements in a 4 ft rosewood veneer box) and had parametric eq for both channels and had plate, room or hall selection independent of left or right channels. So you could have hall on the left channel and plate on the right or any combination along with variable decay times. Bought it in 1985 for $500, they were $4,000 new in 1980. A little noisy but smoooooooooooth like nothing else I've heard.
Still have it (Mike Fossenkemper will laugh if he reads this as we were roommates going to Full Sail in 1988 - had it the closet in our apt we shared then! Along with my AT 4 track setup!)
Mike...I still have this beast! lol !
I should post a picture of it, I can honestly say its a rare piece..

anonymous Wed, 04/27/2005 - 21:07

Alesis Quadraverb----------I used to use it in my guitar rack "back in the day"-----maybe mid 80s
If Im not mistaken,I believe I traded the drummer a bag of "something" for the Quad.
I had an empty slot in my recording rack,so I decided to take the dust off the Quad and give,er a try------much to my suprise----the s.o.b. works great!
I did,however,have to desinfect the thing---------it had the odor of the classic club smell------------beer,cigs,barf 8-)

anonymous Wed, 04/27/2005 - 23:37

whoa, that's freaky. i used to see firehouse at this ol' dirty rock club called baity's backstreet in winston-salem, n.c.
back then i was playing in a funk band called Marble Faun (don't ask)- hee hee. uh oh- the word is out!
that was around the time of sugarcreek and what was the other big regional act that toured? can't remember...anyone? i've recorded a good bit in charlotte. back then the big studio was Reflections, i believe. i had a GREAT friend who had a studio in Charlotte (mike hillian, he was a world class musician and a first class human being- a true inspiration to everyone who knew him) who was recently shot and killed in his studio there by some unknown bad person for some unknown reason. i miss mike, great great fellow. his wife is great as well. i have only met one of his daughters (his other 2 children are new to this earth). life is very unusual.

okay, back to topic, i'm gonna have to say altiverb (okay it's a plug-in but it's the first simulated reverb i've gotten excited about in a billion years).


karbomusic Thu, 04/28/2005 - 01:01

wow. WS is my original home town. I remember baities. Played there many times. I remember opening for xyz there in the early nineties. Maybe, firehouse to at baities but cant remember. Mike H. sounds familiar, I will have to ask around about him. What was the name of his studio? Can't remember what the other regional band was unless you mean Sidewinder. Remember them?

Best regards-


anonymous Thu, 04/28/2005 - 08:48

holy crap, sidewinder! that's it! crazy. i haven't heard that name in a billion years. what about pegasus (with grant blair and eric marshal)? hee hee...takes ya back, yowza. mike's studio used to be media lab or something like that, then he changed the name to audio- something, i believe- it escapes me right now...great great guy. just great. we were in bands together (one with john pfiffner, know him?)

i used to live in W-S, went to the N.C. school of the Arts for music yada yada...been in L.A. now 10 years or more...


karbomusic Thu, 04/28/2005 - 09:25

Amazing... The Vandals, Stratus, PKM, Jessie Bolt, Nantuket...the list goes on! Reliable Music remember it? John P sounds familiar, who'd he play with?, Robin Brown was a good friend if you remember her from Sidewinder... Hope im not screwing up "its that guy's" thread... Maybe I'll PM ya with some more names.... Animal Bag... , Jimmy Saviano, Allan Burton...., "Moorhead Junction", Dixie electric co, Park Elevator/ 1313 club, johnny rockets, the spongetones..... man too many names, bands to mention! We must have run into each other somewhere back then....

Pegasus, Grant & Eric ring a bell but may be a year or two before I arrived...

Best regards-


Guest Thu, 04/28/2005 - 14:53

LittleDogAudio wrote: Ibanez SDR-1000. Yep you heard me right Ibanez.
One of the most realistic fake verbs to my ears.

Damn Chris, I looked that one up. They re-sell (used) for around $150. And it is still worth talking about today?
Is there any reason that Sony and Ibanez didn't keep a line for the SDR's going? And the reviews for the unit were 9.5 on a ten scale. FYI---I want to add some good effect units to my list, and thats the main reason for this post....
sing along everybody
....I finally found the love of a lifetime :roll:

anonymous Fri, 03/10/2006 - 07:22

While I've always liked the Ibanez SDR-1000, I prefer the previous version when Sony was making them - The MUR-201 that I've had for many yeas along with the rare optional remote that I just happen to also own.

I know this is an older thread but thought that this worth mentioning. Sony made the Ibanez SDR 1000. Ibanez never made this unit, it is basically a Sony unit with the Ibanez badge on it. Take the top off and you will find Sony chips staring you in the face. You will also notice that it physically resembles the mentioned Sony MUR-201 quite a bit. Having said that, it is a great little unit. I love it on snare. Another verb that floats my boat is the Sony DPS R-7. Retailed for around $1400.00 in the early nineties and can be had for around $250.00 now. This thing is awesome and you can get wicked deep into it's editing of parameters...if you like to tweak.

It is a shame that Sony folded up their pro audio tent.

AudioGaff Fri, 03/10/2006 - 09:04

The Sony MUR-201 differed from the Ibanez in presets and offered an optional wired remote control. I agree it is a great reverb and can do the trashy reverb well. I for one prefer the Sony even though it only has a 26kHz sampling rate and have had mine (with the remote) for over 15+ years. It was one of, if not the first true stereo in and out reverbs and also has dual mono inputs on a few algorithms.

AudioGaff Mon, 03/13/2006 - 15:44

The SPX-90/SPX-90 II, were one one of those must have units and like many other studio peices of gear, became a standard for both studio and FOH/monitors. Nearly everyone knows how to use them, has had experience with them and using them to quickly. Since they are not worth much, most people just keep them as a spare effects unit or to do layer type of effects work. They are still usefull. I graduated to the SPX-900 (with full functional remote) which I stiill own and use for the cheaper, grainy sounding reverb.


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