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Lo again,

Just wondered what sorta hours other people work in their studio jobs, whether it be engineering, producing, editing or whatever?

Do you dictate what hours you work, or is it more down the client and gauging how their creativity and enthusiasm is going. ?

How do you deal with those long long sessions - making sure you keep yourself mentally awake?



Guest Mon, 06/11/2001 - 02:27

My '3 day wonder' package would go like ths:

3 songs recorded and mixed analog,

Noon - 2 AM
Noon -5 AM

really tat is 4 days and one crashout day at the end of it all!

Now I am all Pro Tools

I take 5-6 days to do the same shit, but I now do Noon - 11pm mainly because my assistant needs to split at 11 to catch his subway (tube) home.

When Mixing, I tend to mix alone, very late into the night. Play it back to the band the next day... I can only get so far with it, when I play it back in front of them , i 'see' things I missed. + I value their input.

