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Another look at the recording process

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Submitted by Cacacas on

If you have all these things in place, will you get a good recording?

The right instrument, in the right room, with an appropriate microphone, in a good position, with a quality preamp.



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Assuming everything is plugged in and set up correctly, how could you not get a good recording? Whether or not the final product will be up to snuff, now that is a different question. What you do to the track after it's on disc has it's own set of possibilities. In other words, it doesn't matter how good the room and the gear are, you can still turn the music into garbage if you don't know what you're doing.

Mon, 06/08/2009 - 16:50 Permalink
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Yeah. That's something I totally missed. I was merely responding to the question of whether or not a good recording could be had. He didn't really make mention if the recording would be music. But, I suppose if you had to factor that in, a lousy band recording on high end vintage gear will sound like a lousy band in hi fidelity.

Mon, 06/08/2009 - 18:56 Permalink
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iamfrobs wrote: [quote=Guitarfreak]So what aspect of recording are you implying that the OP is forgetting?

I think its the performance. (sorry if i mis-understood Bob)
Well, both the performance and the engineering. If you have both the equipment is far less important. If you have neither, the equipment doesn't matter. I guess by saying the microphone is in a good position he is implying good engineering. Maybe someone will argue that an accurate reproduction of a bad performance is a "good recording," but I'd disagree.

Tue, 06/09/2009 - 04:30 Permalink
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Pro Tools

Its this point where one ceases to be the engineer and becomes the producer if you're called to that.

With all the engineering in place, the physics of the recording being taken care of, you cannot make a bad technical recording.

You can certainly capture pure crap on tape at any time given the same parameters.

So, if you're not 'producing', it will not matter whether it is a 'good' recording in the purest sense. As long as it is technically done right, it is a 'good' recording.

Although, it is a bit disheartening to go through all that work to get it right only to have no control or effect on the performance.

Tue, 06/09/2009 - 08:56 Permalink