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USB powered interfaces with (no wall warts)

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Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 05/24/2010 - 20:59

I need something for remote recording where I dont have access to many power outlets. Id like something where I can do some decent recording.. USB interfaces dont have a ton of options when it comes to self powered. Something like the EMU 0404 is NOT bus powered.

Any suggestions, something that has phantom power, a decent pre, and a decent headphone amp?


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Hi Gemini8026,

The M-audio Fast track series is worth checking out. I just posted a similar answer here

I think for the money they're great. I use mine all the time, and the bus-powering option is extremely handy (only works on 2 of the 4 pres but if you're doing location stereo it would be fine).


Tue, 05/25/2010 - 16:23 Permalink
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For USB there is the RME Babyface and also the Fireface UC. Also, apparently Cakewalk has a useful device but I have not seen or heard it myself-just passing along what a vehement poster claimed from three or four months ago. For smaller I/O you could also check out the EMU line which is quite good.

Personally I would stay away from M-Audio and the other cheaper interfaces. The drivers are not always stable and are certainly not kept up to date.

Tue, 05/25/2010 - 16:49 Permalink
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Tascam generally- and that unit in particular- has less than mediocre mic preamps. Also the drivers for that unit are not the most stable, and there are many other units with greater flexibility. In my opinion of course, but I used to have some Tascam boards in the past and haven't seen any substantial improvement since they moved to digital equipment.

Mon, 06/14/2010 - 07:34 Permalink