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Hello all-

I am recording in 24 bits at 48k in DP4 using a MOTU 896 on my 17" 1Ghz Powerbook. When I go to master and burn my tracks to CD (using Toast/Jam) will I experience significant information, sound quality or volume loss? Am I better off just recording in16 bits at 44k, since really thats where I am going to end up anyway? Do some translations work better than others?



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Michael Fossenkemper Mon, 05/31/2004 - 19:35

The answer is yes, you will experience a sound quality loss but not a volume loss. Basically the more resolution you can keep until the last moment, the better. even if you record in 16 bit, you're still going to create larger than 24bit files when you mix it down. We're not talking about frequency loss here, what your going to notice is that the mixes won't have as much depth and detail. The best bet is to record at the highest bit depth you can, mix in the highest bit depth and dither and print all of your mixes as 24 bit files. This will retain the most depth and detail and the most compatiblity with the mastering house. All mastering houses that I know of can accept 24bit files and this is how you should deliver your mixes. I don't think it matters as much if you use 44.1 or 48k sampling rate. just about all converts oversample so the issues there were about 44.1 verses 48 don't exist anymore. Hope this answers your question.


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