So I did some reamping today with the intent of testing how my amp sounds at different saturation levels. Here are the clips! I am excited about this one. CAUTION! Brutal content. Not for the squeamish :redface:
[=""]SoundClick artist: Bleeding Arrows - page with MP3 music downloads[/]="http://soundclick.c…"]SoundClick artist: Bleeding Arrows - page with MP3 music downloads[/]
[[url=http://="http://soundclick.c…"]SoundClick artist: Bleeding Arrows - page with MP3 music downloads[/]="http://soundclick.c…"]SoundClick artist: Bleeding Arrows - page with MP3 music downloads[/]
http://soundclick.c…"]SoundClick artist: Bleeding Arrows - page with MP3 music downloads[/]="http://soundclick.c…"]SoundClick artist: Bleeding Arrows - page with MP3 music downloads[/]
Not sure what you are looking for as far as comments the first F
Not sure what you are looking for as far as comments the first Fred 3 seemed to have the best tone, each successive one seemed to have more blur and noise. Can't say that I was really in love with the overall tone of any of them but I'm not the best judge of high distortion. I don't think its the recording it's either the amp settings or pedals.
jg49, post: 300370 wrote: I don't think its the recording it's e
You are correct, and I am 95% sure of what it is. I think that you just aren't used to hearing the mic technique that I used and/or you don't like it. I'll bounce you a special copy using a more 'traditional' mic technique and you tell me if you still hear the things that you don't like or not.
[[url=http://[/URL]="http://soundclick.c…"]SoundClick artist: Bleeding Arrows - page with MP3 music downloads[/]="http://soundclick.c…"]SoundClick artist: Bleeding Arrows - page with MP3 music downloads[/]
The Jg mix has quite a bit more high end in it and I think I lik
The Jg mix has quite a bit more high end in it and I think I liked Fred 3 better for tone out of the 4. There is still something I don't really care for in the way the distortion is after the note is struck. During the attack portion it sounds good it is the decay that seems 'NOISY". It is difficult to accurately describe tone noisy is not really the right word but it lacks a tonal definition that defines distortion as a note rather than just distortion, sorry I am failing to convey what it is I like to hear when my lead guitarist uses a good deal of distortion. He said to me the other day while tracking in the studio when I was looking for a heavily distorted sound (and he wasn't this distorted) "That is as far as I can take it with this amp and have it mean anything." I knew exactly what he meant BTW it was a Fender Cyber Deluxe and a custom built Strat style axe with Fender noiseless pups, not the best choice for the uber distortion by any means.
Anyone else have any questions/comments/concerns?
Anyone else have any questions/comments/concerns?