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I'm trying to set up a little sattelite drum lab in a friends house with some older equipment of mine: A 1607VLZ some 5" M-audio monitors, a stereo 15 band EQ (i think its ART 341) and the old m-box. I used to set them up this way:Mic--->Mixer--->EQ--->MBox--->Monitors.

Now I'm wondering if I should place the EQ after the Mbox and before the Monitors. I used to remember that I usually had weak eq'ing in my mixes. any thoughts?

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RemyRAD Tue, 03/24/2009 - 20:56

Do this math:

Q- If the equalizer is on the output of the M-box, before it gets to the speakers, how much equalization have you placed upon your recording with it?

A- Purple Hayes

What else?

Weak mixes? Weak EQing?

Simple. Exercise Equalization vigorously.


For everything else? There's Edgumukayshun.
Ms. Remy Ann David

jg49 Wed, 03/25/2009 - 02:46

So the answer to Remy's question is exactly 0%. The EQ in this position only modifies the sound going out from the M-Box to the speakers and does not alter the recording chain at all. If you are having weak EQ in your mixes it might be because you are altering the EQ in this chain Mic--->Mixer--->EQ--->MBox--->Monitors prior to the recording and unless you are a real pro are stuck with whatever boost or cut you applied during recording. What you might try is losing the EQ from the chain altogether and attempting EQ in post production using DAW software.

Kapt.Krunch Wed, 03/25/2009 - 05:15

jg49 wrote: What you might try is losing the EQ from the chain altogether

"'s there...I want to use it!" :shock:

Not unless you absolutely need to. And, if you absolutely need to, you may think about why your microphone placement or direct gadget needs it. Of course, there may be times when an EQ can come in handy to roll things off, or add a tiny bit of sparkle. You probably don't need it all the time, though.

Using it AFTER the recording, and trying to monitor with it in, is self-defeating. Think about it. You're changing the sound AFTER the recorded sound, so you aren't monitoring exactly what the recording is.
It may possibly maybe might come in handy going in, but should never be used to monitor the out. Do the extra EQ, etc in the computer...if needed.

