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So what is the best way in terms of books and stuff?


jonnyc Mon, 08/29/2005 - 10:58

There are many good books out for pro tools. Try first and just do a search if nothing turns up try they have several good books from the very beginning to more complex mixes. I found the books give you more technical stuff like what does what not really when are how it applies. The books will get you familiar with ptle but honestly the best way to learn is to just practice.

anonymous Mon, 08/29/2005 - 13:11

I found a local recording studio and talked the engineer into one on one lessions. Great move on my part! Not only did I learn protools in and out, but learned a great deal about all the other aspects required to record professionally. (Mics, placement, outboard and plugs, situations, configuration and up-keep, mix and master tips & techniques, etc..) I was paying $25 / hr but it was worth it! (I'm more of a hands on than a book person)
Just something you might want to look into. good luck!

anonymous Mon, 08/29/2005 - 13:51

Oh, I totally agree that "just use it" is the best way to learn to do anything. Have fun with it!

I've also found having a mentor/someone to ask to be invaluable.

However, I'm a "get a book" kind of person as well, and I do have one book to recommend:

The Musicians Guide to Pro Tools by John Keane

He's a "just use it" kinda guy, and he's worked with a lot of other engineers. AND he worked with REM way back when.

He's great to read, and it comes with a CD with Demo sessions on it. *Very* helpful. Highly recommended.

In the meantime, just USE Pro Tools! Have a blast!

PS Goodness knows I'm learning new stuff every time I use the program...