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Hi everyone,

I'm reasonably new to recording and have never used Rack Effects before. I have been given an Alesis Micorverb 4. Now this is the stupid question bit -

Can I run my guitar into the input of the Alesis and then a cable from the output to the USB audio interface I am using? I would presume not as there is a left (mono) and right output on the Microverb. I am using Logic Pro X.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance


bouldersound Thu, 07/20/2017 - 18:24

In the case of guitar, sometimes it makes some sense to commit to effects from the start. For example, having the delay on affects the way you play. Distortion is part of the sound, and it's pretty common to put compression ahead of distortion, so having those effects active when recording is normal. You may or may not want reverb on while recording. If it's an important part of the guitar sound then yes, if it's just added decoration perhaps not.

There's no reason you can't record the output of the Alesis in stereo. A mono input should be passed through to both outputs, with the effects spread across them. Or record it in mono, as long as the effects sound okay that way.

The modern way of doing this is to record the guitar direct to the DAW, with an amp simulator and effects done live in the software non-destructively so it can be altered after the fact. It does add some latency, but computers are getting so fast that the latency is often small enough that it doesn't bother most players. After all, if you're 10' from your stack that's in the range of 10ms of delay.

kmetal Thu, 07/20/2017 - 18:28

according to the manual you can plug instruments right into it.

pg 13:


Typical Applications
The analog audio inputs and outputs are typically used in one of three ways:
• from one or two effect/aux send outputs of a mixer, and out to the effect return inputs of the mixer; or,
• from a line-level instrument (like a guitar or keyboard with either a mono or stereo output), and out to an amplifier or mixer input; or,
• from the stereo buss outputs of a mixer to a mix-down tape machine or amplifier.


heres a link to the manual, right towards the front theres a diagram and an explanaition on how to hook up a mono source like a guitar. you should then be able to hook the line out of the microverb to the line in of the interface.

best of luck! hope this helps.

DonnyThompson Sat, 07/22/2017 - 08:48

Sure, you could record through it, but there are much better sounding reverbs available "in the box" these days.
I remember the Alesis micro stuff, had a few different pieces in my OB rack for awhile years ago just as optional "texture" choices... I never thought that Alesis reverbs sounded all that good, but to each his own.
I generally don't track with any effects, unless I'm seriously hell-bent on one in particular, and there have been times that I have. I've also commonly tracked vocals and instruments with some gain reduction and EQ as well. But for FX, I need to be damned sure that it's what I want to print, because you can't take it away afterwards. It's like trying to unbake a cake.

Georgeadey1992 Sat, 07/22/2017 - 12:40

DonnyThompson, post: 451450, member: 46114 wrote: Sure, you could record through it, but there are much better sounding reverbs available "in the box" these days.
I remember the Alesis micro stuff, had a few different pieces in my OB rack for awhile years ago just as optional "texture" choices... I never thought that Alesis reverbs sounded all that good, but to each his own.
I generally don't track with any effects, unless I'm seriously hell-bent on one in particular, and there have been times that I have. I've also commonly tracked vocals and instruments with some gain reduction and EQ as well. But for FX, I need to be damned sure that it's what I want to print, because you can't take it away afterwards. It's like trying to unbake a cake.

I picked it up really cheap so I'm not expecting any wonders with it! One of my favourite artists Mac Demarco ran his guitar through one when recording a couple of his albums so its out of curiosity than anything. Thanks for the info though

KurtFoster Sat, 07/22/2017 - 12:54

try it! if you like it then use it.

i can remember a time when i would have been tickled pink with something like any Alesis verb. back in 4 track days when all there were was echo chambers or Tapco spring reverbs that went "boi-oing with a snare hit ..... lol.

really, the Alesis reverbs aren't really all that bad ....


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