Well, not really emulation. Apparently there is a small loop of tape and an actual record and playback head in this thing. So, it's like a small tape saturator. Interesting. At first I thought "this is very cool". Then I thought, at $750 each I could probably by an actual 16 track ATR for the price of just a couple of these(ok, maybe three or four).
http://www.ebay.com…"]Otari MX 80 with Remote | eBay[/]="http://www.ebay.com…"]Otari MX 80 with Remote | eBay[/]
If they made a multi-channel rack version, that would be cool.
one complaint i've read about the c.l.a.s.p system is that you h
one complaint i've read about the c.l.a.s.p system is that you have to be very mindful of maintenance, because the same little loop of tape is making it's rounds quite often. i dunno is RND has found a workaround for this, but either way, seems like a pretty cool box.
man. now that i'm done drooling. i mis-understood what the clas
man. now that i'm done drooling. i mis-understood what the clasp was, thank for the vid post heuseph! I guess that guy in the mag i was talking about, was complaining that maybe they didn't even get new tape for the project? or maybe just one of the old school type used to using new reels for everything and complained whether he heard a difference or not? or maybe the studio didn't the maintain the machines to his liking? dunno.
either way, at 10x less than a clasp, not counting the tape machine, the 542 is looking pretty cool. and obviously so does the clasp an studer. but, out of my league right now.
I love tape. I love the simplicity. And, I find that the limitat
I love tape. I love the simplicity. And, I find that the limitations facilitate two things: 1. they require the talent to actually have some talent and 2. it weeds out the people who are unwilling to practice. It's like a filter that keeps the sludge out of the studio.
I listened to Rupert talk about this a while back. Nice to see i
I listened to Rupert talk about this a while back. Nice to see it out. I'd go for this over tape any day of the week. But even better, an nice EQ and comp with attitude would be my choice for drums or that paint peeling Fender Twin. I don't miss the tape era one bit.
Thanks for posting this Hue!