Any one have any suggested starting points for using Antares Auto tune while in auto mode It seems to do more harm than good. If I set it too low it doesnt kick in. I am not looking to correct a horrible vocal but just the occasional intonation issues.
missilanious is correct! I have a hardware version of auto tune,
missilanious is correct! I have a hardware version of auto tune, the ATR1 .. I call it "automated talent recovery" ... I go into a chromatic scale and take out all the notes that are not in the scale the melody follows. This provides smooth transitioning between notes without the "yodeling" effect.
Originally posted by Kurt Foster: I can't speak to the plug in
Originally posted by Kurt Foster:
I can't speak to the plug in version but i have found the hardware version to work perfectly. It's a real time saver and I don't hear the effect "working" as much as I have on some records.. like Shania Twain
Check out the Dixie chicks. You don't even need particularly good speakers to hear it cutting on every other phrase. Good ole naturul cun'try mussic yessireee...
It struck me as incredibly arrogant engineering - how could anyone think they could get away with such blatant artifice? Then you realise, it's not arrogant - their audience obviously doesn't care what it sounds like or they wouldn't have one.
Jon, Yep, They had me untill this last record they did on thei
Yep, They had me untill this last record they did on their own.. With the exception of "Long Time Gone" it's pretty much Cr -rraaap ! They should have called it "Gynocentria" instead of "Home" ... Everytime "Landslide" comes on th' toobe, I just want to loose th' cookies! (Just my opinion, no letters please! :D )
for effects use auto mode, for pitch correction use manual mode,
for effects use auto mode, for pitch correction use manual mode, manaul give you more controll and it processes with less artifacts if done right.