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Currently building up 2 racks.
2 Furman PL plus in each supply power distro.

One rack is for a DAW and an HDD unit so there is plenty of free space for ventilation, cables (not many in this rack anyway).
Other is a 20u with Delays, Pro 40 interface, Samplers, dbx compressors, Patchbay- Yes, I'm a bit old school here.
These racks are ATA cases not permanent studio style, since a move down the road is anticipated.

I have the Furman at the top position as to utilize the lights.
In order to keep the patchbay away from the Furman and closer to processing etc I mounted it in a middle rack position.
Rack units have power cords exiting on one side or the other respectively from their rear chassis.
I have cut down the lengths of the hard wired power cables on the DDL's the SPX90 had over 8ft on it (factory) !

Any tips on how to run power and audio cabling for minimal interference ?
Addt'l shielding needed ?

btw: heat is not an an issue due to rack venting fan



sturoc Mon, 03/11/2013 - 13:50

Thanks Kurt,
knew already the parallel vs 90 deg rule.
There is also the figure 8 rule as well, I don't have that much power slack to get into that mode though.

Does it behoove me to add any xtra shielding on the power cables ? Copper shelf under the Furman ?
I've seen racks soo stuffed with units right up against the power conditioners,
i can't believe they don't get some type of interference

I'll wait to hear of any other suggestions here, then post a photo of it when I'm done .

Kurt Foster Mon, 03/11/2013 - 14:06

i would just do everything possible to keep audio cables away from ac cables. i wouldn't mount a patch bay in the same rack as the power conditioner or other pieces that use ac ... i would have the patch bays in a separate rack.

use balance runs when ever possible. even balanceing a run at one end will yield an improvement in noise rejection. try to balance single ended runs at the receiving end.

maybe Davedog can answer your question re; extra shielding on the ac cables. short of a Faraday cage, i would guess that the answer would be no.

sturoc Mon, 03/11/2013 - 15:10

Though hidden from sight, There were alot of exterior runs of snakes/cables when everything was in the permanent studio racks.
Putting a patchbay in a different rack or elseware means everything then will go to it and come out of it. That's alot of exposed cabling !

This is part of why I am streamlining the cable runs to stay internal.
In this 20u rack, runs are short with the PB in the middle and everything is balanced lines.

anonymous Tue, 03/12/2013 - 03:09

Are you running cable to a console?

If you are, you might want to consider picking up some cheap plastic gutter lengths - say 2 three or four foot sections - place one underneath the back of the console, running parallel to the all your powered cable down one gutter, and all your mic, line and insert cables through another.

That stuff is dirt cheap, you could probably get all you need for $20 tops. And because plastic is non-conductive, so you're not making an antenna.

You can paint it any color you like to make it less noticeable. Also, it helps to keep strain off of the console input/output jacks because the weight of the cables/snake is supported by the tray. It helps to separate powered runs from regular lines, keeping them away from each other and it also makes locating and troubleshooting bad cable a bit easier because you know where the respective cable runs are.

just a thought.

sturoc Tue, 03/12/2013 - 17:11

This is a separate rig from the main control room call it the 'B rig'
As far as console ? No.
Pretty much is snake box to # 1 rack input panel to patchbay routing within the rack .
Ultimately ending at the #2 rack DAW via firewire cable.
Could almost be called a glorified portable recording rig.

This week's goal will be to get it all wired and powered up, running signal and see if there any issues .
I'll update once that's done.


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