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Kick drum and bass mic suggestions

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Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 02/06/2005 - 00:38

...besides an AKG D112, Shure 52, Audix D6 or a Sennheiser MD421. :)


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If you're thinking about using the same mic on bass as you do on kick you very well may have some difficulty in getting all the separation you'd like to get when mixing... I would suggest something like a 421 for kick and an RE-20 for bass... or if the budget will allow a Soundelux U-195 for kick and an RE-20 or 57 for bass... the 57's work really well against U-195's... but will often lack "meat" against a 421.

Best of luck with it.

Sun, 02/06/2005 - 04:36 Permalink
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I'm biggist fan of AGK D112.

These sounds are recorded with AGK D112 at kick sound and same drums, same outboard, same room.
Only differant drum head and mic position.

I think it's very flexible on miking point.

Mon, 02/07/2005 - 07:49 Permalink
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I always use the same mic on the bass drum and bass guitar amp and it works for me.
I think it helps to start in that same place.

My pref is for either RE20's or SM-7's.
And one of each works reasonably as well if two of one type are not available.

Separation, is usually much less of a problem for most people than having them sound disconnected from each other, which will make the whole bottom of the record feel 'uncomfortable'.

And it should go without SAYING that the entire record, or at the very LEAST, the entire rhythm section, is recorded through the same mic pres.

Mon, 02/07/2005 - 13:18 Permalink