I have a cocktail drum kit, with a tall, 15" barrel drum that stands upright and serves both as the kick and the floor tom. It has small air holes, but no mic port. The kit sounds great, and I can get a solid one-mic recording from it without problems. But I need to do some multi-mic setups, and wanted some informed opinions about recording the kick.
kick drum
[MEDIA=soundcloud]devon-vonmonster/class-warfare-9-24-14[/MEDIA]Another late night of mixing a rock tune in my AT50s. Let me know if I'm getting beefier tones out of my kick and bass. The song has a 1/2 time feel into a "blazing speed" section, so I played with some automation on the gate re: the kicks
Here is "Class Warfare"
I'm thinking to myself how much i hate the snare sound on most recordings. too bright, too snappy, sounds like a tin can.. etc.
so pensados fb page asked about snare mics and one or two people like using kick/bass mics. I'm gonna try it regardless but I'm wondering:
what are your thoughts?
ever done it? over or under?
what were the results?
http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NNxXYTE8NDE it's crap quality but I'm looking to create this type of kick sound. And no, I don't want to trigger it I want to create it from scratch.
I would like for you guys to check this video out. I'm curious to hear what peoples favorite kick drum mic choices are!
PreSonus New Product Introduction Extravaganza
4:00 pm / 16:00 January 23, 2013 Marriott Hotel @ the Convention Center Platinum 6 Ballroom
Hey guys, thanks for reading.
I have a Beta 52A kick drum mic and a Delta 1010LT interface on my computer.
When I keep the Beta out of the kick hole, it sounds decent and there's no clipping.
I'm looking for a Ludwig kick drum sample 26x14. I recorded one and am not completely happy with the results of the solo kick mic. If anybody has a single hit of a 26x14 kick drum sample/ludwig, I'd really appreciate it. I bought Addictive Drums, but that didn't work too well.
Hey everyone,
I'm still at the editing phase of a hardcore/metal style e.p. So i'm not mixing it yet, just working w/ the raw tracks.
Throughout the song(s) the drummer does different patterns on the kick, which vary from a single kick per measure, to gallop, to straight 16th's. Typical fare for the style.
I'm sure there are other topics on this but wanted to get some direct help. Our church went from an analog board to a digital one (Allen &Heath iLive T112). We actually just had some reps come in and put all new equipment in... But I have tried compression and eq'ing but I can get a low punchy kick drum.