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i make hip hop beats and post em up in soundclick for sale, one artist has contact me and wants a beat for a mixtape, he's asking me how much for "unexclusive Rights"? never heard of it, can someone tell me what he's talking about. thanks


LittleDogAudio Wed, 07/06/2005 - 12:28

Usually it's Non-Exclusive rights.

When I was in a "signed" band, many years ago. Non-Exclusive meant that the record label had the right to release the material for a certain period of time or in a certain part of the world, but we where still permitted to shop it around for potential profits.

We where still beholden to the contract time-table, but as soon as it was up, the library of material under contract was our's to do as we pleased.

This sounds a bit different than your situation, but as a writer, being able to offer Non-Exclusive rights, it's kinda like "renting" the material for a limited time or selling it to multiple parties.

Hope this helps,
