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Hi, this is my first time posting a question on this site and I guess first of all I would like to say that this is a great site, and everyone always has great and very usefull advice that has come in very handy over these past few months. I recently started building my studio around a 002 and am mainly focused around hip hop, pop, and RnB. My vocal booth is set up in my closet at the moment while I'm am still stuck in my appartment for the time being.

So here comes the 1400$ question- Which mic should I get for 0 to 1400$?

I would like to get a couple nice mics before I go spending several thousand on a very high-end mic preamp. So for now I have a MXL V69ME mic and "The Brick" mic preamp that this new mic I am buying will be going through. And no I have no problems with the V69, I would just like some more options for my singers. In fact I find the V69 to be an incredible mic for the price, and after just having graduated at Full Sail university I have a large list of high-endmics including 414's, Neumann's, Royers, Blue, etc., and the V69 has done a suprisingly good job compared to many of them.

*Note that this mic will be mainly used for VOCALS (mostly male)

So far I have been looking at the:

Gefell UMT70S
Langevin CR-2001
Brauner Phantom AE


AudioGaff Thu, 12/01/2005 - 08:20

NO ONE can tell you what mic is going to be best for your needs. As long as it is a high end quality mic you can't really go wrong. You need to make your own choices as mics are like guitars and such where it becomes very subjective as to which high end quality mic is best for you and your needs. If you do not have a high end quality mic now, and you record instruments as well as vocals, then I would suggest that you get mic that excels at more than just vocals.

maintiger Thu, 12/01/2005 - 08:24

the thing with mics is that there isn't a particular one that fits everyone. The U87 comes to mind as a benchmark, a mic widely used for male vocals over the years. The AKG c414 is another one, but again it will depend on what sounds best with your voice. That's why studios have mic cabinets stocked with many different mics. What works good for one singer might not be good for the next. Your post sounds like the mic willl be mainly tailored for one particular male vocalist (you?) If that's the case, audition several mics for your voice and pick the one that's best for you.

Davedog Thu, 12/01/2005 - 09:51

When buying new it restricts your choices due to a particular price point...however buying used while it expands the choices, it limits the trial and error factor.

There is NO perfect all around mic...There MAY be a perfect mic for your voice and this may change as time goes on. As my esteemed friends have stated, trial is the only way to truley establish this.

I would throw a Soundelux model or two into your choices, and the ADK CE edition is really good for a lot of things.

anonymous Fri, 12/02/2005 - 03:15

So I was off to Guitar Center todaay to so get a mic prepared to have to order one if they didnt have one that fit needs. But as soon as I made it to the Recording section, there it was in a very eye catching display and on probably an impulse desion I decided to buy it. I figured what the hell, I had heard so many raving reviews about the damn thing blowing so many more expensive mics out of the water, I had to give it a try.

Im probably gonna try it out tomarrow so ill give you guys a review.

anonymous Sat, 12/03/2005 - 04:28

LOL i told you guys which mic I was talking about!!!!

Recording Org
Pro Audio Group

Joined: Dec 01, 2005
Posts: 8

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 11:15 am
So I was off to Guitar Center todaay to so get a mic prepared to have to order one if they didnt have one that fit needs. But as soon as I made it to the Recording section, there it was in a very eye catching display and on probably an impulse desion I decided to buy it. I figured what the hell, I had heard so many raving reviews about the damn thing blowing so many more expensive mics out of the water, I had to give it a try.

Im probably gonna try it out tomarrow so ill give you guys a review.

anonymous Sat, 12/03/2005 - 04:33

Holy sh**!!!!!!! I guess this the bashing i desrve for being so stupid, lol

I always come in here at like 4 to 5 in the morning here in florida and I was so out of it I thought I mentioned which mic I had bought, lol, then I did it again just now!!!

Well anyways, sorry about that,...the mic I picked up was the