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Hello !

I need some advice as to which direction to go. I’m trying to decide between an analog or digital console . The two consoles that I've been considering are, the SoundCraft Ghost 32 and the Yamaha 02R96V2. I did a search and found some info on the Ghost, but nothing on the Yamaha. I'm an old school analog guy, so I was leaning more towards the Ghost ( No Learning curve),the Yamaha I guess will be another story.I’m looking to track to a hard disk recorder, Edit in a (DAW) and either mix in the DAW or mix through the console. Any suggestion/info would be appreciated to help me make a decision.


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Massive Mastering Tue, 05/03/2005 - 22:50

I think you'll find that a Ghost (especially a mildly hot-rodded Ghost) will be quite flexible and have more character...

But the Yammie is certainly flexible in a workflow sense...

The Ghost won't be obsolete any time soon...

The Yammie might...

Yeah, I'd go with the Ghost. Then when possible, go to and have the master section and a half dozen preamps upgraded.

anonymous Wed, 05/04/2005 - 00:49

i like the digital domain a lot, but when it comes to desks i would go analog, to me they have more character too, digi mixers might be convinient, recall and the like, but sonically to me they all lack on a certain warmth and character and the ghost is a fine desk...
also you have a "two way possibility" you can either mix digital within your DAW or analog, to your like or the needs... that give you in my eyes more flexibility... :D


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