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Hello Everybody,
My band has been working in our studio for a couple of months on a four song demo (I know you are wincing already, at the time span, but bear with me). It is in final mix phase and I am generally happy with the results, but I have allowed things to go on that go against my instincts. Much of this has to do with the fact some of us haven't had much experience being recorded (including me) and some of us haven't had much experience recording (pretty much everyone else). Overall I think the project is a "win" for us- good quality, positive experience, no fatalities, lots learned- but we are embarking on to finish up another five or six songs for an album. I am now thinking about hiring in an outside person to produce, so that we don't lose ourselves. This is all fairly low-budget, I haven't even started to consider how much we can afford, but I am leaning towards this. Any thoughts? Cheers, Doc.

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Henchman Sun, 05/26/2002 - 21:15

Well, as I explain to alot of bands I have worked with. One of the adavantages of using a producer is, you cab blame him after the fact if it doesn't work out. Thus the bands persaonal relationships don't suffer.
And you can take all the credit aftwerwards, and say it was all the band, if it does work out. :D

I personnaly think it's a win win situation for a band to use a producer, providing the y trust his judgement and let him do his job.


anonymous Sun, 05/26/2002 - 21:59

How long have you been recording?
I have told a few bands who's CD recordings go into 6 months of days here and there to get someone else in to mix as I have lost where the song is going.

That said maybe if funds are short egt someone who you know from another band to listen and give sugestions on levels and sounds and such.

Remember sometimes there is nothing that can be done with the sounds you have as that is what they sounded like at the other end of teh mic.

If you do have the money for a producer make sure they want the same out come as you do. I have had a few bands bring in CD's lately that they did with semi-well known producers(lots of $$$'s) that are totally in a different direction to what the band are.
As you have to put your trust into someone?, A/B your work against bands you like and see what is missing yourself. I have done CD's that are of lesser quailty then some other bands demos.

anonymous Sun, 05/26/2002 - 23:58

I have been recording for a while, but have not really done much in the way of being a recorded musician (where I get into trouble). The other guys have some experience recording and more as musicians. We all have varying opinions on what we want recording-wise. I feel bringing an outside person in to produce would be good, assuming we find the right person at the right price. Nobody is popping into my head but I guess I should start looking around. Maybe Quincy Jones isn't busy for the next couple of months. ;) Cheers, Doc.

anonymous Mon, 05/27/2002 - 04:08

Hi ya,
I actually meant how long has the recording of the songs been going. If a while a new set of ears is great , even a few impartial friends that are not in bands. Shit they buy CD's I always ask my non-muso friends about mixes.
You get back honest answers like cannot hear vocals, why do the guitars sound like that.

Yeah I find the bands with everyone wanting something different are hard to mix.
I asked a band that are Coldplay type band to bring in some CD's so we can work out levels and sounds for the songs. I got a Propellorheads, prodigy and the verve CD's brought in.
There was 6 people in that band, hardly ever there for mixing at once, it was a nightmare.
Drummer puts the drums up, next session guitarist puts drums down and verbs them out. etc etc.

Stick with it, is there 2 engineers at the studio can you swap and get another set of ears.


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