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so for a long time ive been asking for a midi controller for my daw, that will do only the most basic of transport controls preferably for under $200 and it must have a jog wheel. first slap in the face to this hope of mine was the bheringer controls that did every thing BUT what i want. and now this.

frickin maudio come out with a garage band only interface that does what i want but dose it for anouther program. why? why make somehting that will only work on garage band?

sorry this is gear related but its more of a rant.

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gdoubleyou Tue, 08/09/2005 - 06:43

To me GB needs a little care and feeding, I think it makes a big difference if you add your own loops, or add some 3rd party loops.

I use it for fast prototyping, and then bring it to Logic Express where I have more control.

The Instruments are actually simplified versions of the instruments found in Logic Pro. And after looking closley at the parameters found the instruments to be quite tweakable.


anonymous Tue, 08/09/2005 - 10:16

Frob, regarding finish, here's a quote from a TapeOp review:

I can’t say enough about the TranzPort. It’s extremely easy to use and has way more features than I would ever ask for at this price. Even the industrial design is nice—a solid piece of equipment that you wouldn’t feel embarrassed about handing to a client. Everyone needs one of these.

Additional [[url=http://[/URL]="…"]reviews[/]="…"]reviews[/].


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