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hey guys i just made my budget for some new gears...i guess i m becoming gain concious just because of few of my regular clients..cuz they want the pumped up sound like Bhangra from UK asian people. . so as compared to my tracks masters those tracks are still like around 10db louder then i guess gotta update to some new gears i have no experience over analog please recommend me the gears for mastering to atleast get a good gain for final budget is $5000 if you think that i not good enough gears can come in this budget then how much will i have to increase and for wht equipment... please some advice needed...


Michael Fossenkemper Wed, 04/06/2005 - 20:01

What do you have now? do you want analog gear or digital gear? sometimes a combination of gear can get you close. $5000 is a good chunk of change but it's only going to buy you 1 (maybe) piece of gear. To get these over the top levels, it's going to take a combination of gear and a bit of time to figure out how to get the most out of them. basically what i'm saying is there is no 1 piece of gear that's going to do it. but 1 piece of great gear is worth 50 pieces of good gear when you start to go for that extra 20%. Then next year you add another, then another, etc...

My typical chain that I run a mix through is about $50,000 worth of gear. This doesn't include controllers, monitors, amps, cable, the room, etc... But I can't do what I do without EVERYTHING. It all works as an organism.

anonymous Mon, 04/11/2005 - 16:12

well...all i m using right now is computer..i have finally made a good friendship with pro tools as well..since i have started to work over it now it is'nt that bad at it was portraid... so guide me through both the analog or digital..obviously i will gor for 1 then 2 then 3 and so on i will be updating my setup as is goes on...

anonymous Mon, 04/11/2005 - 21:29

well to be honest...the environment i m working surrounded by followers not the originator all they want is to sound their material like their references....and at the end of the day the track is satisfactory but the people are not happy with the gain... now they don't care wht the setup we have or not..they say we wan't sound like that... so personally from my point of view i don't think that gain is everything in the mix...if the whole world was to mix the sound on the same level then there would'nt be any volume nobs anywhere....but still i have to earn the money gotta have to figure out the way to stuff the gain in the minds of Hypocrats in my region..... thanx

Michael Fossenkemper Tue, 04/12/2005 - 05:25

I can tell you that there is no one piece of gear. But you have to start somewhere. For digital gear, I think the weiss stuff is the best. You can also look into the TC6000. For analog gear, there are companies like manely, Cranesong, GML, well the list can be long. All of this stuff is about $5000-$8000 per piece, the TC can run even more than that depending on what options you get. I think maybe starting out with a good eq would be my choice. But that's just me. you may want to start with a compressor. If you don't already have one, you can try a harware waves L2. I personally don't use mine much anymore but some like it. Each person you ask will have their preferences on gear. Most times just investing in really good monitors will do more than anything. If you can't hear it, you can't tweek it.

eFe Fri, 04/15/2005 - 22:34

I' have very little experience in Mastering. I've been mostly mixing but I'm preety sure a good Master has everything to do with a good Mix.

What i'm trying to say speaking of your gain problems is that most of those super Pro, super Hi fi, supoer Gain productions you hear take a lot of gain at the mix stage, with the right dynamic treatment, some automatization, some good compresion and so on. If the audio is not treated as it diserves in the mix you wont't get great results in Mastering stage.

At least, that is my idea about it so Take Good care at your mixes and try to judge if everything is right that way. Then get again to the mastering stage and give it a new try. Of course i'm not trying to say that there is no need of the right gear to make a good master!!!

PS: I agree about the room and monitors. And don't forghet the ears, those are the most important of all!!!!!

anonymous Sat, 04/16/2005 - 13:19

well i do realize myself too that Monitors room and ear matters too...and i guess i have done a pretty good job in sounds well on almost all the places i played it..the car my mini and super hi-fi system.. desktop speakers tv sounds good.... and my client just went over to India this morning for his album deal and he will be launching it from there and will also get mastered it from there...India is pretty good in mastering too..