How MC2 audio 1250 power amp compare with chord SPA 1424 and FM acoustics FM 811 MKII power amp?
Which one produce more accurate and trasparent sound?
Any other studio power amp is prefer and better than above power amp?
How MC2 audio 1250 power amp compare with chord SPA 1424 and FM
How MC2 audio 1250 power amp compare with chord SPA 1424 and FM acoustics FM 811 MKII power amp?
Which one produce more accurate and trasparent sound?
Any other studio power amp is better than the above power amp?
Choosing an amp is a very difficult thing to do. Matching an amp
Choosing an amp is a very difficult thing to do. Matching an amp to your monitors takes a lot of time and listening. Picking an amp based on spec sheets is pretty useless. You have to hook it up and listen to it on your monitors and in your room. I've lugged many a 150lb amps in and out of my room before picking one that I liked. If you can't get them to let you demo amps, then find a place that has the same monitors or take your monitors to a place that has the amps.
I'm using adam S5 passive studio monitor,what amp do you prefer?
I'm using adam S5 passive studio monitor,what amp do you prefer?