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Mixdown formats- who uses what?

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Submitted by anonymous on

What formats do you guys mixdown to and why?

Is it DAT or CDR or tape or. .

Does anyone use an internal mixdown option i.e. audio export,if so what is the best dithering software?




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to answer your 1st question, i mix analog with all sorts of weird fx (guitar pedals, lp filters, tube amps, etc-reamp is the best piece of gear) so digital is just not an option for me. to answer your second question, i record everything at the best possible resolution when I track and I just record the mixdown as 2 more tracks within the project, so it has to be the same 24/48. Everything is going to be mastered

anyway so why do the 44.1k thing now? Let the mastering house do their job with the best possible sound: a wave file burned on a CD. Every respectable mastering house should be able to read this. Can't wait to get a set of 96 or 192 converters. Then the hi res fun begins.

Mon, 04/29/2002 - 12:33 Permalink
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Back into PT at 44,1 24 bit

Use plugins to master with then

out from there to Masterink

This avoids the 'Bounce To Disc' function in PT

I can do it mant ways...

I mean to try PT sessions at 48k

and capturing the (analog mix) at 96k or 88.1 then doing an SRC down to 16bit 44.1 (or taking it to mastering, lets keep that old argument outa this (Yawn!) ok Brad? ;) )

I dig the raw unmessed with mix back to my DAW... it allows me scope for mastering later...

John have you tried that digital loop yet? Sounds a good idea - DONT FORGET to mute the OUTPUTS of the record track!!!! (if you dont want your tweeters buried in the back of your head...skreeeech!) :tu:

Mon, 04/29/2002 - 17:47 Permalink
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Mix (Sony DMX R-100) to Masterlink and Tascam DA98HR (safety) both at 24/48. The Masterlink does a good enough conversion from 24/48 to Redbook CD for mix evaluation outside of the studio.

Conversion from 24/48 to 16/44.1 happens at mastering via Prism D/A converters to the analog goodies then back via Prism A/D converters at 16/44.1 into Sonic.

Mon, 04/29/2002 - 21:09 Permalink
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Hi Jules

I'll be trying it later tonight(spdif loop)after i get over my ADAM monitoring experience!

I've been to the uk distributer for ADAM today and they kindly let me sit for a few hours listening to the p11s,p22s.S1 and S2.One thing that struck me was how my own mixes sounded ok through the p11s(not good just ok),but through the S2s they sounded quite naff.All the pro band CDs sound phenomenal through the S2s.


Tue, 04/30/2002 - 08:08 Permalink