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P4PE/G550 compatability.

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Submitted by Arranger on

Does anyone else run this combination in their DAW?

I'm building my first DAW now and I came up with this link at Matrox:

I wanted to be sure the Matrox G550 was +1.5V compatible with the P4PE and it apparently is.

Sounds like I may need an additional card just to boot up and get into my BIOS settings. Then I'll get to install the G550. Anyone else run into this configuration issue in this combination?

I guess I could pick up an ATI Radeon 7000 32MB AGP for $30 and have it on hand for my future web cruiser PC. I believe this card is also popular in some turn-key DAW's, right? Good idea or bad?

Is there any other possible scenario for me to get up and running? Thanks!

Happy Holidays.

