hi guys
I'm trying to process my "live" drums so that they sound so tight that they could even be mistaken for drum machine hits. Im using EZ Drummer so they kinda sound "real/live" but i want them to sound extremely tight and pop song-ish. Ive been using compression and gates on them, ive got the kick sounding quite good, but the snare just isn't coming together. any ideas hows i can process them? (compression settings etc, if you think compressor is the way to go) many thanks in advance.
Short decays. Cheesy reverb. Oh, and compress the crap out of
Short decays. Cheesy reverb. Oh, and compress the crap out of it before reverb. That should give you a completely unnatural snare sound worthy of a pop recording.
If that doesn't work you can use triggers and mix in samples fro
If that doesn't work you can use triggers and mix in samples from your favorite drum brain.
pull back the room mic fader, add another sample of a dry/proces
pull back the room mic fader, add another sample of a dry/processed snare drum and use parallel compression with a medium to slow release. add some smooth room reverb afterwards and you should have a tighter overall sound.
if you have something like a transient modulator (logic has one called enveloper) you can also pull down the decay of the overhead mics for a dryer sound.
Hard to say without hearing the drums, but a couple things to tr
Hard to say without hearing the drums, but a couple things to try are, quantize the drums performance, use a transient designer on the snare and maybe even overheads, mute the room mics, keep the overheads low in the mix, if you have to use them at all.
thanks guys. i use cubase. does that have a transient designer o
thanks guys. i use cubase. does that have a transient designer or something like it?
cubase 4 has a plugin called envelope shaper which seems to be s
cubase 4 has a plugin called envelope shaper which seems to be similar.