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I'll supply a room & food and the water front gorgeous place. You record the 4 remaining songs of my EP with me. I am seriously having trouble getting into it at the moment...


Tony Carpenter Wed, 07/29/2015 - 12:59

pcrecord Heya Marco, thank you for the offer. I am in Willis Texas, on beautiful Lake Conroe :). I really need someone to do the recording work and me just play... I am fine with the songs as far as composition goes. I have been playing them for about a year in some cases since they were written. It's just the mechanics of it all have me really down at the moment.

kmetal Fri, 07/31/2015 - 06:13

If you take the setup and recording in two steps it's easier. Set everything up, leave it on, so when inspiration strikes it's all ready to go. Duplicating multiple guide tracks on the timeline allows multiple takes in a row, with no engineering in between. Mic technique, and gain staging, and DAW setup can kill it, if you don't look at it all as part of one process. Even if you do share that outlook, the physical time it takes can be enough for the inspirational fire to dissapear.

I would be interested in going down for a week or even long weekend, gotta button some stuff up around here, the I'm opening up my shedule, if you still need some help when that happens, I've been wanting to get down that area for quite some time.

A former moderater runs or used to run, crow mobile. Remy is a wild individual, but is down in tenn (last I heard anyway). if your up for it, you'll probably learn more in a weekend with her, than 5 years on your own. Myself included.

pcrecord Fri, 07/31/2015 - 07:26

kmetal, post: 431282, member: 37533 wrote: A former moderater runs or used to run, crow mobile. Remy is a wild individual, but is down in tenn (last I heard anyway). if your up for it, you'll probably learn more in a weekend with her, than 5 years on your own. Myself included.

Make sure you have a sm57 in your studio before calling her :D

Tony Carpenter Fri, 07/31/2015 - 07:51

kmetal Sounds good Kyle. I am not having issue with inspiration, songs are written, have been performed many times. I just hate the process at the moment of sitting there, even with the iPad nearby to start and stop.. hard to explain... just kills my natural flow I guess. I would love any help I can get.


pcrecord, post: 431291, member: 46460 wrote: Make sure you have a sm57 in your studio before calling her

LOL, I have an old SM58, that's going to be it :).

Kurt Foster LOL at noise gates.



pcrecord Fri, 07/31/2015 - 12:23

When I need to track alone, I got the habit of placing 15-20 empty bars at the begining of the song. I then take time to take place with the instrument and just relax a bit. When working on a song that tracks already exists, if I don't want to get up to do the song 2 or 3 times in a row, I just create a loop in the DAW.
Like K said it's better doing the studio work first (mic placement, patching and monitoring) and then take a break or come the next day and just push record...;)

DonnyThompson Mon, 08/03/2015 - 02:01

I think Hawk's right - it was Austin - but I don't know if that ended up working out. From what I recall, she made it there, but since Rupert Neve and George Massenburg were in other cities, the work that she had hoped for ended up being sparse, if perhaps even non-existent. But what do I know? For all I know she could be VP and co-owner of EMI by now.

One heads up... if you plan on working with .wav files, you might need to find another format for her to work with .... She hated (L)PCM's... but she loved her noise gates. ;)

(I'm having a tough time remembering the last time I even looked at a noise gate ...)


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