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New PipeOrgan video!

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Submitted by _basso_ on

Hi !

This is a new video that was recorded this year.

It's a local sound and video company who made

this video..I'm only turn up the sound a little ;)

This is a fantastic Organ imrovisation over

Swedish. Psalm 161.




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Sonarerec wrote: Very interesting, considering that there are only 150 Psalms!

Sorry Rich,

but we're talking about the Swedish (Modern) version of the Book of Psalms, the current issue holds 325 psalms. I'm guessing, just guessing, that the number 161 relates to the standardized (sp?) 1937 version;



1. FRAMFAREN är natten, Som höljde

vår jord, Och funnen är skatten, Guds

heliga ord. Det folk, som hölls fånget I mörker

och kval, Ser ljuset uppgånget I skuggornas dal,

Och människofunder Som dimmor förgå, Men

sanningens grunder Orubbliga stå. Guds kyrka

sig gläder. Halleluja!

The first of five verses..

Haven't got the new one availible to check if 161 still is the same...


Sat, 06/25/2005 - 02:04 Permalink