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Audio clock keeps stopping on me, please help!

Submitted by Gooch on Mon, 03/06/2006 - 16:30

I am using Sonar 5.1 (Update from Sonar 5) producer edition with a PreSonus firepod.
Here's my p.c. specs:

Abit A8N motherboard
AMD X2 dual core 2 gig chip
2 gigs of Corsair xtreme speed ram
ATI X1800 xt vid card
470 watt Ice cool power supply
Audigy 2 OEM sound card

I am getting a bit of latency issues, but the main problem is the audio clock repeatedly stopping while trying to record. I am using Sonar's audio metronome to sync up tracks, and either the click gradually slows down and it stops, or it just plain quits all of a sudden. I am getting error messages stating that the audio clock has failed and was stopped? I have tried a few different audio cards, some are better than others, but the problem persists with every one i've tried. I am very new at digital recording, and not sure what my fix is. I know the Audigy 2 is not a Cadillac pro audio card by any stretch of the imagination, but people have posted here that they have used it without any issues in the past. Audio card advice to suit my needs is also MUCH welcomed, $200.00 - $250.00 U.S. would be about my limit right now.

Please help, thanks in advance.

