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Groovetubes Vipre mic preamp. Anybody tried one?

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Submitted by anonymous on

Hi folks. Consulting the oracle again. Came across blurbs for the Groovetubes Vipre variable impedance preamp.Just wondering, has anybody checked out this unit? Any opinions? Quality etc.?

Kind regards


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Originally posted by Fletcher:

The variable impedance is a neat trick...the variable "rise times" are the dogs bollocks!!!

This is one serious motherfucker that does so much shit it may be illegal in several locales...

Great to hear that, I was planning on at least one in my new room next year...after a shoot, out/demo...maybe more.

Thu, 12/13/2001 - 16:10 Permalink
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Originally posted by littledog:

:o ...than gear...

:o Acoustics more important than gear...

:o Acoustics more important than... :o

Abso-fuckin-lutely...but what's wrong with your place? FWIW, I'm working out a session where we'll be working in an environment that is very familiar to me, but won't use a single piece of equipment that I've ever used before. From mics to storage medium, nothing I've ever used on a "record" in the should be very interesting.

Seeing as you're in the neighborhood...give me a shout on the "acoustics" thing. I'm no genius, but I may be able to give you a couple of helpful hints that could save you a couple bucks.

Acoustics are way more important than gear!

Fri, 12/14/2001 - 15:04 Permalink
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Originally posted by Fletcher:

Abso-fuckin-lutely...but what's wrong with your place? FWIW, I'm working out a session where we'll be working in an environment that is very
familiar to me, but won't use a single piece of equipment that I've ever used before. From mics to storage medium, nothing I've ever used on a "record" in the should be very interesting.

Seeing as you're in the neighborhood...give me a shout on the "acoustics" thing. I'm no genius, but I may be able to give you a couple of helpful hints that could save you a couple bucks.

Acoustics are way more important than gear!

Hey Fletcher,

Thanks for the offer, For some reason it didn't occur to me to use you as a resource for this kind of stuff. I talked about this on another thread. You must know Mike Blackmer. For $600 he drew me up some beautifully detailed blueprints/plans for a do it myself acoustic renovation - with slanted walls and sloped ceiling around the mix position. Gave me a list of materials, and a non-technical explanation of how to put everything together. I needed that, since I know even less about hammering (and screwing?) than I do about micing and mixing. Hopefully I'll get some down time eventually when i can try to put it all together. Maybe I should try and bribe you to come over some time and give me some additional suggestions about anything you want (acoustics/gear/fashion tips/whatever). On the other hand, my place is so crappy compared to where you usually hang, I might be too embarassed.

Fri, 12/14/2001 - 17:35 Permalink