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about the locked discussion about software cracking.

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Submitted by anonymous on


I'm glad we agree on this discussion about cracked software. I would not have argued if I knew about your section's policy. I'm don't visit this section of RO very often, otherwise I would not have gotten started and wasted everybody's time.

Thank you for trying to keep good values in the audio community. Please delete my message once you've read it...


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I will not state my personal opinion on whether it is good or not downloading cracked software versions from the internet or from somewhere else. My opinion regarding this is not of any importance.

More important let alone the most important thing to me is that every single person has the right and freedom to speak and in this case to write down whatever he or she wants to say as long as it corresponds with our morals and ethics. As difficult as it may be to some persons. No ifs and buts. I cannot see why a thread like the one we are talking should be locked up. This regards threads in the past that have been locked up before, too. I am very very frightened of not letting controversial topics in. And once again, I am neither saying downloading software is good nor I am saying it is bad. The only thing I am maybe saying is to care for freedom on the world wide web.

Fri, 09/16/2005 - 17:05 Permalink
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Indeed, the importance of freedom of speach is important but there are policies that need to be followed as well.

Amongst the professional users here there is a code in which using cracked software or even discussing it is considered a no no.

As a former moderator here, in fact one of the first for the DAW World when it was only DAW World, it was policy then. It still is.

It is a hard decision and undertaking to shut a thread down when a subject crosses the line, but as I mentioned, policies are policies and unfortunatley must be followed.

Opus :D

Fri, 09/16/2005 - 18:28 Permalink
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But it doesn't correspond with our morals or ethics.....

The mods have said this a million times and I don't know why it needs repeated or causes upset. Free speech is one thing, but here we have been graciously allowed a forum where we can discuss the good things about recording. Stealing is not one of those.

This isn't a public forum for discussion of politics, laws, software protection or crime, its a members forum for discussion of recording and was created with rules, just like being invited to someones house, you show respect for it.

If a band pocketed a microphone on a session would you like it? Would you respect their freedom to talk loudly about doing it in front of you? Would you like it if a competitor set up down the road with a truckfull of stolen gear and started undercutting you?


Sat, 09/17/2005 - 07:20 Permalink
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Attitude wrote:

I am very very frightened of not letting controversial topics in.

If it is too scary for you, then get your own forum (this one is not yours or mine, we are just guests here) and you can let dudes share controversial info on cracking software all you want. Free speech, woo hoo! :P

Some things are just a waste of space/bandwidth on a topic-specific forum like this.

Sat, 09/17/2005 - 09:20 Permalink
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Speaking as a Moderator here...

It is a simple fact that the form is not a democracy. Whether you like it or not, there is a set of rules in which we participate. Each moderator sets the rules for their forum and enforces it. Over in the Acoustics forum, things are pretty free and loose, but I have locked and deleted threads that were not appropriate and moved others that belong in other forums (most notably many of the DAW-related ones that I've moved over here).

I don't blame the moderator for locking that thread as it is discussing practices that aren't just unethical, but illegal. Face it, downloading cracked software for free is no different than walking into a store and stealing mechandise or stealing somebody's personal property/car/etc... If anybody ever discusses stealing on my forum, the thread will disappear. Period, no second chance and I will ask chris to ban the person that brought it up. That is how strongly I feel about it.

If you are going to do it, be aware of the potential consequences (in the US, the copyright infringement statutory fine is something like $50,000) and for heavens sake, don't discuss it here.

That is just my 2 cents...


Sat, 09/17/2005 - 09:38 Permalink
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First, I did not want to react, but then I thought I must say a couple of words to some harsh replies.

Look, it seems that some people got offended by some words I have said. I did not want to offend anyone.

I just cannot understand why there is a lack of rational statement in some parts of some people's replies. Maybe because (see above).

I do not want to repeat myself but once again

"Do you use cracked software, yea, nay?" is a valid question.

Cracking software is a crime. We are not talking the pros and cons of murder for example. So there was no rule broke.

I am sure the thinking people on this forum will see the difference.

No further reaction to indifferent and partly immature statements.

That's it from me guys.

Sat, 09/17/2005 - 18:17 Permalink
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First, I did not want to react, but then I thought I must say a couple of words to some harsh replies.

Look, it seems that some people got offended by some words I have said. I did not want to offend anyone.

I just cannot understand why there is a lack of rational statement in some parts of some people's replies. Maybe because (see above).

I do not want to repeat myself but once again

"Do you use cracked software, yea, nay?" is a valid question.

Cracking software is a crime. We are not talking the pros and cons of murder for example. So there was no rule broke.

I am sure the thinking people on this forum will see the difference.

No further reaction to indifferent and partly immature statements.

That's it from me guys.

Sat, 09/17/2005 - 18:20 Permalink
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I think I speak for most of us that we were not offended by you in any way...a discussion is a discussion and they are merely an expression of what we feel the correct policies are on this subject.

Now if you had said that you thought we were a bunch of morons of some sort...then we would have gotten offended! :lol:

We feel that it isn't necessary to claim that you use cracked software. We feel that if you do, that's your business and it should be kept quiet. Why announce that you are a thief? As others have stated...would you announce that you are going to rob a bank?! Or after you have robbed it would you gloat? No, that would only make you take the consequences coming to you.

Sure, sometimes you need to "try it before you buy it" but even then...don't tell people that.

We don't need a forum where people are saying they are stealing from the software manufacturers.

I myself have listed myself on the website. That's why I have my stance on the subject. Every piece of software I own is and has always been legit.

A good discussion this is...don't feel that we're trying to stop you from replying...that's not what we are about.

Stopping people from making an ass of themselves...yes :P

Opus :D

Sat, 09/17/2005 - 18:36 Permalink
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I'm glad to see others view this site as I do. This is not some ACLU sponsored forum where we discuss crime, morality or human rights. This forum is for the discussion of the recording arts, period. If you wish to discuss other topics please join an appropriate forum or start your own.

I've noticed that those who cry the loudest about discussing cracked software or free speech hide behind screen names. It's pretty easy to do that when no one knows who you are isn't it. Would you be willing to say the same things if your real identity were known.

Gary, Ben, Jaimie and Reggie have all expressed my thoughts on this perfectly, thanks guys, but I would like to add another to the mix as well. Software makers do cruise these forums to judge reaction to their products and they also loan us copies for review. It would reflect very badly on Chris and the forum as a whole if we allowed people to discuss cracks and the software makers would be far less likely to loan us copies for review. Those reviews can be very useful to our members and I am not willing to jepordize that so a few criminals can have their way.

I hope we can all respect this and keep this forum about recording.

Sun, 09/18/2005 - 06:15 Permalink