Hello all,
I am currently recording a friend's project, an automated music machine, and have a question about one of the mics available.
It is a (appears to be fairly old) Coles STC4030 ribbon mic and I have had fun using it so far in Mid/Side configuration.
I have heard that some have had luck with close Micing cymbals/hi hats. Bleed will definitely not be an issue for me and I have a variety of mics here to choose from.
My main question is whether a close-mic technique with an apparently vintage mic is safe? I understand it's incredibly delicate and I would hate to damage it by using it in the incorrect manner (Not a single bit of phantom power has even come near it yet and I intend to keep it that way ha ha).
Oh and there won't be a risk from air blasts from the source as it's only one hat. Well I think it was originally a hat. It could have been a cymbal but you can't really tell after he's been at it. Several instruments have already met their end in the creation of this machine and I don't see it stopping now :)
Let's face it, these early generation ribbons are more delicate
Let's face it, these early generation ribbons are more delicate than their modern-day counterparts. That doesn't mean you can't use them as drum overheads. I believe I'd be a little more skeptical in using it on an isolated hat ? Too close to the snare drum. But overhead, less than a meter above, shouldn't kill it. But then there is a factor of having the ribbon vertical as opposed to horizontally sagging which definitely affect the sound. Do they have to be mounted hanging over the drum kit? Of course not. In front and vertically is just fine. Keep those ribbon vertical. So it won't look like what you see on TV but a variation on that theme. Follow? You won't have that bright crispy sound but you will have the transient response that ribbons are famous for. it will sound like real drums. Not electronically enhanced crispy critters. But then the lack of brightness might be an issue? Nothing wrong with adding a little shelving top end. When I'm doing jazz, I frequently use the Beyer M160/130's. Mellow with transients. What a concept No crispy crunch. Go for it.
Now you're thinking straight
Mx. Remy Ann David