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Good cheap preamp?

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Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 08/19/2007 - 10:08

Hi - I'm recording mostly acoustic and vocals - sort of Neil Young-ish songs. In the past I've just gone directly into my ProTool LE with a PPA LD-1. I'm looking to buy a decent preamp to warm up and fill out the signal. Don't want to spend much more than 200. Is this possible, any good places to start? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.


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for that price range I like my APHEX 107, its won't pretty up your recording, but it won't make it worse. Although at very high gains it does have a bit of noise. You can get them off ebay for about $100 USD. I have changed the tubes out in mine, to lower gain versions, since I don't typically need that high of gain.

Sun, 08/19/2007 - 10:50 Permalink
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Look for a used API 312 microphone preamp card on eBay. All you need with that card is a + & -15 volts power supply and a couple of connectors. That's a $500 microphone preamp in a different box for only a couple of bills. The soldering iron will cost you four dollars at the local shack. Once you hear that microphone preamp with that lovely input transformer, you'll know everything else is a fake.

Not a fake but an original
Ms. Remy Ann David

Mon, 08/20/2007 - 02:42 Permalink
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Thomas W. Bethel

First have a look at this

If you are handy with a soldering gun

Best of own personal favorite inexpensive microphone preamp is
the Studio Projects VTB-1 Tube Blend Mic Preamp

I got mine used at GC for $100.00 but they are available on the web for $119.00

Mon, 08/20/2007 - 05:53 Permalink