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Cheap Spring Reverb Solution Volume IV - Budget Consumer Equipment (FOSTEX 3180)

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Submitted by Evilash1996 on Thu, 11/03/2022 - 21:00

Hello everyone,

Another installment into my "Cheap Spring Reverb" series. This time I take on the Fostex 3180. This noisy little machine adds a nice sheen to any track I pass through it. Very versatile in my opinion if you aren't looking to spend a large sum of money. I think I picked up mine for something around $100-$200 a little while back. Well worth the money I would say.

Cheap Spring Reverb Solution Volume III

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Submitted by Evilash1996 on Fri, 09/02/2022 - 05:20

Hello all,

I made a third instalment to my video series about cheap spring reverb solutions. This time I talk about using an old mixing board with a built in tank. Hope you enjoy!

I hope to start a discussion on this thread. What is your cheapest piece of gear you use on your recordings? Any hidden gems (uh oh hope we don't drive up the prices of anything!!)


Cheap mastering in 2019

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Submitted by jamie Lofts on Fri, 03/08/2019 - 13:52

I'm getting close to finishing a lot of my songs and I'm down to just listening through them and putting vocals on the ones I'm happy with. Many years ago I used to love T-racks 24 for mastering but for many reason, it's unusable. What is the cheapest way of achieving what that program did? Is the way forward to now use mastering plugins rather than standalone?

Need cheap but good Audio Interface.

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Submitted by Green on Mon, 02/18/2019 - 21:21

I just recently got an MXL 770 and got a crappy Phantom power box and then got a bad noise and looked around and I found out I need an audio interface to mess with the fain etc, but I don't want to spend $50+ if possible and def not 65+. Do you have any recommendations? Also whatever you recommend keep in mind I used an XLR to USB to hook into my computer.

Where to buy eco friendly acoustic materials in Canada for cheap.

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Submitted by sp4rxx on Fri, 02/24/2017 - 12:20

Hello, I'm looking to purchase some high density eco friendly acoustic materials for building panels such as cotton or polyester materials. I don't want to use rockwool or fibreglass because of the air quality and safety hazards these materials contribute to. I live in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and I'd like to order within the country or ideally purchase from a local supplier.