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Hi, this is my first post, so welcome: Thanks.

I need a Mixingboard with 8 direct OUTs to mix the signals into my soundcard (That has 10 in/outs, 8 RCA in and two XLR in. Well even more simple, a delta 1010lt).

This mixer must be at a tight budget level.

Does this live on this earth?

THANK YOU (If you help me a bit).

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Cucco Tue, 07/10/2007 - 07:02

If I'm reading this right, he simply wants a way to get the audio from something other than a CD player into his computer (mics, instruments, etc.)

There's the simple answer -
Yes, there are such beasts out there. Most mixers will do what you need and I'll explain that statement in a moment. Other mixers (Soundcraft Spirit M8/M12 come to mind) have specific direct outputs on each channel.

The not so simple answer -
The soundcraft (and other similar boards with direct balanced outs) won't really help you that much.

Considering you have RCA inputs (RCA=Unbalanced) you wouldn't really be able to take a balanced output (from the Soundcraft or similarly equipped board) into your 1010LT. You would need an unbalancing device. At the very least, you would need to make an unbalancing cable (or purchase one - not from me though. I don't/won't make them. There's too much that CAN go wrong if it's used improperly and I don't want the blame falling to me when someone doesn't use it right.)

However, here's the good news (relating back to the first scenario):

Any standard mixer will (or should) give you insert points on each channel. These inserts are unbalanced. All you would need would be a TRS to 2-RCA break out cable per channel. This would allow you to use the 'send' (usual tip) signal as your input into your computer. Be mindful though, sometimes the sends are prefader/pre-eq, sometimes they are post, sometimes the are selectable. Make sure you are using it the way you want to.

A word of caution though...

Purchase a "cheap" mixer and forever be plagued with "cheap" sounding mixes.

Inexpensive mixers are designed for quick/cheap live sound jobs generally and rarely for recording. The mic preamps and EQs built in usually suck horribly. (Some mixers hovering around the $1000 price point can prove that statement partly wrong.)

If you're looking at doing recording of instruments and vocals, I would suggest you ditch the 1010LT (by all rights a good sound card, but not designed for hardcore hobbyist recording. More designed for quality playback and NOOB recording on a shoestring budget.) I would suggest looking at an interface from the folks at Presonus or Mackie. Both companies make great firewire interfaces which include:
Mic preamps
Instrument inputs
AD conversion
and both brands are making very good strides in quality. The pres in either brands' devices are phenomenal (especially for the money - I use Mackie Onyx preamps along side Grace Design and Millennia Pres and rarely regret my decision. Usually that regret stems from the use of a ribbon with the Onyx - bad combination...)

In other words, don't be tied to the idea of a mixer. Most studios don't use a mixer. Most studios that do use a mixer don't use it in the way it was intended or don't use it properly. Those that do have a mixer and use it properly likely never used the word "Budget" and "Mixer" in the same sentence.

Hope this helps.


Space Tue, 07/10/2007 - 08:34

All that not withstanding, the card has "8 RCA in." With a handful of adapters you could achieve the same result right?

Direct out being what it out, it is still a curious question to me.

The ability to plug in TS/TRS cables or whatever a person needs is only limited by imagination. And who hasn't picked up parts and made the cable(s)/adapter(s) that were needed? I'm no engineer but I have a soldering gun and I am NOT afraid to burn somethin'. 80

You get a better get a patchbay. Hell, you should get a patchbay first, but that's just me.

I understand the want for a mixer, just not the "need" at present.

RemyRAD Tue, 07/10/2007 - 15:35

I assume that your desire for the mixer is to utilize and have more than the 2 microphone inputs that the computer audio interface unit has? Yes, almost any inexpensive mixer offers either numerous direct outputs from each input or, possesses "insert patches", which can be used as direct outputs to feed the line inputs on your audio interface. Even the rather dismal lousy reputation Beringer's could provide you with what you need. They may not be great but they work, at least for a little while. Certainly not anything that most of us recommend. In that respect, many people are more fond of the Mackie's Onyx preamps and other outboard preamps devices. In that respect, you can have a smorgasbord of preamps selections for different instruments and purposes, which most of us are recommended for you.

Helplessly hopeful
Ms. Remy Ann David