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Hey all,

I own a GT-6 guitar effects processor ( which can produce stereo effects.

I am sick of running my GT-6 into the mic input on my laptop as the quality is miserable and I cannot take advantage of the stereo capabilities of the GT-6. I am looking for a cheap (<$100 solution) to correct this.

The outputs on the GT-6 include 1/4" analog L(mono)/R outs, a 1/4" stereo headphone out, and a S/PDIF digital out.

One idea I have is to purchase a Behringer UCA202 ( and run TS instrument cables from the analog outputs of the GT-6 into the UCA202 although this would require 1/4" TS to RCA style converters.
Does anybody know if this is a reasonable solution, or will the quality be poor due to the converters and/or the quality of the UCA202?

If anybody has any other ideas, I would love to hear them. I am also open to finding a cheap way to utilize the digital output of the GT-6 instead of using analog.

I am not looking for the absolute best ever recording quality, just a sufficient step up from my current setup and recording the stereo capabilities of the GT-6.



RemyRAD Tue, 11/07/2006 - 15:35

OK, you might be one of the lucky ones?? You indicated that you have an SPDIF digital output from your processor. If you want a really inexpensive way of recording direct into your computer, check to see, if you are using a cheap internal soundcard and/or your computer motherboard may actually possess an SPDIF digital input? Many cheap sound cards and motherboards have the SPDIF input because almost all computer CD drives, since the beginning of time, have a little-known 2 pin connector in addition to the analog outputs, that outputs an SPDIF digital signal for those sound cards and motherboards that can accept it. Many inexpensive sound cards can accept the digital input from a CD ROM unit and so, a simple cord is all you need. There wouldn't be any need to take the analog outputs from your unit and re-encode them.

Conversely, some of the entry-level pro-sumer audio cards not only have reasonable converters on them, most all of them have both an SPDIF input and output. If you use that, there will be no signal degradation since you would be staying in the digital realm. You would merely monitor through analog headphones or speakers and so investing in a decent sound card would be in your best interest. Again no need for any other external equipment to interface your processor to your sound card with digital inputs.

If dealing with a laptop, the same applies, that is to say there are numerous USB audio interfaces that feature digital inputs and outputs along with reasonably good converters. Now all you need is a decent monitoring system such as powered speakers or a decent headphone amplifier and headphones. want to use a microphone too? Again, all you need is a decent audio USB interface that might also include a couple of decent microphone preamplifier's. I'm sure you'll get lots of recommendations here for USB audio interfaces.

Don't bother with the Beringer stuff if you don't have to.

Thinking inside the box
Ms. Remy Ann David

anonymous Tue, 11/07/2006 - 17:39

Thanks for the quick reply!

Unfortunately I have a laptop (Averatec 6240) and I'm almost positive it does not have the digital port you were describing.

While I was searching for a USB audio interface, I did not seem to find any for under $100 that contained a digital input.

I found plenty of interfaces that have much more than I need. These interfaces all seem to be around $150. This is why I was looking at the Behringer - it is super cheap and has only the exact function I am looking for but I concerned about the quality.

Are there any cheap USB interfaces that have only digital S/PDIF I/O?

I also tried looking at audio interfaces such as the M-Audio Fast Track or JamLab, but from what I can tell I would not be able to record my GT-6's stereo capabilities. Are there any other simple interfaces that have what I'm looking for?

Thanks again!

RemyRAD Tue, 11/07/2006 - 20:17

Well I have an Edirol by Roland USB UA-1EX, which has line level RCA inputs and outputs X2, while also including a coaxial digital input (SPDIF) and an optical port while being able to provide 24-bit 96kHz capabilities. It only cost me $80 at Chuck Levin's Washington music Center. While it does not have any XLR microphone inputs, I didn't want any since I use both Neve and API outboard microphone preamps and so for 2 track recording on my laptop, it's totally adequate. It does however include a standard crappie 1/8" DC powered microphone input for a multimedia microphone which I have no use for. So, since this unit has a digital input, you could connect your digital output from your guitar processor directly into the digital port. It will record your guitar in stereo with no degradation since no digital to analog and analog-to-digital conversion will be necessary. It will still require you to utilize outboard microphone preamplifier to record anything with a microphone to this unit. But at least this way, you get to choose what kind of microphone preamplifier you want as opposed to having to deal with a built-in substandard microphone preamplifier. If you would like to mail order this device from Chuck Levin's, in Wheaton Maryland, you can call them at 301-946-8808 and ask for Carl Culos and tell him, Remy sent you.

There is just no reason to use the analog stereo outputs when the digital port provides a clean stereo output to a matching digital input. This makes the most sense for you.

You are welcome for the quick answers since I'm sitting here waiting for video files to render for my DVD authoring.
Ms. Remy Ann David

Boswell Fri, 11/10/2006 - 04:34

KingCrap-O wrote: Hmmm... when I looked up the UA-1EX online it said the digital I/O was optical, not coax. The UA-1EX would be an ideal solution except for this!

Does your sound card have optical or coax inputs?

There are lots of cheap optical-coax (and v.v.) converters available. As an example, try these Ebay (US) links:


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