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well i've been playing music for about 4 years now (16 years old)

and I'm looking to start recording as I'm passionate about music and i want to be able to share and listen to my own music,

I'm at sixth form(college) with a part time job at minimum wage so my budget is relatively low, I've got around £250 saved but i plan to save more but obviously no more than lets say £500,

i plan to buy a new sound card for pc, and i have no idea about the other stuff needed to record guitar, vocals, bass etc,

could you recommend equipment for me please

thank you

[EDIT] i appreciate that you must be getting sick of posts like this sorry

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Codemonkey Thu, 02/12/2009 - 16:19

[Tedious pre-introduction to it all]

On a low budget, you have to think "all I want to achieve is to record what I play - not cut hits".
Quality recordings aren't made on £15 gear. Recordings of quality performances, perhaps, but not quality recordings.

Now, you can buy cheap stuff - but don't expect magic.
Anyway, your ears will make the biggest difference - it's not the price or label or brand - it's the sound which matters.

I get by on a mixer, Soundblaster and computer speakers.
Hell, it's almost the worst setup ever. But it works.

Now, I would suggest some more information?

1) Factor in instruments to your budget.
2) How many instruments at once? Assuming you don't want to do (REAL) drums, you only need 2 inputs. MIDI drums? Need a MIDI input.
3) I think [[url=http://[/URL]="http://recording.or…"]this[/]="http://recording.or…"]this[/] may be relevant. Tight budget (not as tight as yours), wants to record MIDI drums and bass/guitar etc.

Oh, it's an "interface" from here on in, not a "soundcard".
There's a lot of lingo in this subject ;).

The search function may become your best friend. Find it at the top of the page, and boom, sorted. Just be sure to check for "All terms" as it's (very) temperamental.


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