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USB recording interfaces

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Submitted by jonesy on

Well Im in the market for a USB/firwire recording interface for my computer/laptop

currently looking at:

PreSonus USB Audiobox

PreSonus Firebox

USBpre (unsure of brand)

Berhinger UCA202'

there was some Edirol stuff too

I dont need anything thats top of the range and i won't to steer clear of Pro Tools and Digidesign stuff

I want something that i can use use over a wide variety of DAW's with no trouble

Dont want to spend too much money but willing to spend a little extra for better quality

Rather USB over Firewire because i dont think the new laptop I'm getting will have Firewire

. was just reading up about the audiobox and it seems to have some trouble with high pitch whines when using certain instruments.

So feel free to give advice or suggest other products

Cheers everyone =)

Jonesy Out =P


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Hi jonesy, I don't have any experience with the brands you mentioned, but I do own an M-Audio Fast Track Ultra (USB 2.0) and love it. In my experience, it has been extremely stable and reliable (it gets a lot of use!).

It has 4 pres, and for the cost of the unit they sound fine. What I really like about this unit is that 2 of the 4 pres will operate from USB power (so if you only need 2 pres for a project, you don't need to plug in the AC Adapter). That's a huge plus from a portability perspective (sometimes I find myself editing or mixing with my headphones on in the living room etc - it's great to be able to quickly and easily take your audio interface with you around the house!). It has two headphone jacks too (great if you're tracking with someone and you want to easily setup separate cue mixes).

M-Audio makes smaller, slightly less cost units with 1 and 2 mic pres, so depending on your budget and needs, you could get one from the Fast Track series for anywhere from $150 to $375.

Tue, 05/25/2010 - 16:17 Permalink
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I have an M-Audio Mobile Pre USB. It's been very handy for a lot of less critical recording, like live recording, and as part of my test setup. The sound isn't as good as the MOTU 24i and 2408 that I sometimes use. It works with all sorts of software, including Windows Media Player, Audacity, Sony Vegas 6 etc.

Some M-Audio interfaces, called "M Powered", work with a version of Pro Tools, but that doesn't mean M-Audio is part of Digidesign. They just have an agreement to give Pro Tools some reach into the low end of recording.

Wed, 05/26/2010 - 00:53 Permalink
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I think the limit depends on how much bandwidth you need (bit depth and sampling frequency) but I haven't had any problems recording multiple tracks at once. Specifically with the M-Audio Fast Track Ultra, if you want to record using more than two mic-pres (with Phantom) at a time, you would need to plug in the AC adapter. I think that's just a voltage limitation of the voltage supplied by the USB bus, but if you're using the AC adapter then you can use all the pres at once.

Wed, 05/26/2010 - 16:17 Permalink