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Headphones and Recording- General Question!

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Submitted by RRRecords on

Im in the midst of buying some new headphones for my talent. Now usually when the talent is laying down his vocals, he likes to hear the music coming through the headphones really LOUD.. We use Pioneer's HDJ 1000, and i know they area DJ headphone, but when i go to play back the vocals, the sound from the headphones is being picked up by the micorphone.. i dont usually like applying a hiss reduction feauture or whatever, so what are good headphones that i could use?




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I've never done it myself, but a buddy of mine has used this trick with very good results. He puts up another mic off axis to the vocalist and records it, then inverts it for playback. He's even done it for a singer who wanted to use a wedge instead of cans so he could have that "on-stage" vibe.

This trick was used back in the 60's to control mic bleed on stage. Look at some old Hendrix concerts and you'll see a mic taped on top of the mic he sang into. The second mic was phase inverted and canceled out the bleed when he stepped away from singing. I guess that they were just too wasted to actually mix during the performance.

Wed, 10/11/2006 - 23:24 Permalink
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For this kind of use, check out the Audio-Technica ATH-D40, which can be had for about $60 now. (Much less than I paid!!) Many people like the Sennheiser 280's, but I don't at all. Headphones are rather personal, both in fit and in the way one's ear shape interacts with the sonic character.

A different approach is to get some big, headband-style hearing protectors at the hardware store, and put them on over a pair of earbuds. This is probably the best way to reduce leakage, but is somewhat clunky.

Wed, 10/11/2006 - 23:49 Permalink