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These are the current scores.
We are quite past the half-way mark.
The ‘sponsor’ says good luck to everybody and wishes them well.





BRI : 230


ZEMLIN : 260




This question has a number of oppotunities to score some decent points. Simply answer one of the below.Your answer will be graded according to its accuracy, style,originality, build, component quality, voltage supply rail, frequency response . and effort to be void of any waffle or unnecessary stock.Anything over 50 words may be intolerable.Each word must be carefully chosen,, and discarded if necessary.
Like Bass and Drums. 8-)

Only one person per question.
Questions may be edited.
Quicker replies earn better points.
Better answers earn better ponits.
NO itallics please. :x
Just reserve a spot. fill in the gaps later if you wish. . :lol:

*What is the 'Chandrasekhar Limit'?

*How did Jeff Porcaro die? . when ?

*Where is Timothy Leary stored? . . how long has he been there?

*What's the fundamental frequency of the bottom 'E' on electric bass?

Your time starts NOW !
Get to it.
Good luck. 8)



anonymous Wed, 10/20/2004 - 12:40

____________Chandrasekhar Limit_______________
Theoretical upper limit to the mass of a white dwarf.
Above this, degenerate electron pressure is insufficient
to prevent gravity from collapsing the star further to
become either a neutron star or, if the
Oppenheimer-Volkoff Limit is also exceeded, a black hole.
(Dead Link Removed)
Subramanyan Chandrasekhar:
Nobel Laureate 1983

anonymous Wed, 10/20/2004 - 12:40

What is the 'Chandrasekhar Limit'?

Discovered by Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar (1910-1995):

He determined that a star having a mass more than 1.44 times that of the Sun does not form a white dwarf but instead continues to collapse, blows off its gaseous envelope in a supernova explosion, and becomes a neutron star.

An even more massive star continues to collapse and becomes a black hole.

anonymous Wed, 10/20/2004 - 15:27

freaky wrote: ____________Chandrasekhar Limit_______________
Theoretical upper limit to the mass of a white dwarf.
Above this, degenerate electron pressure is insufficient
to prevent gravity from collapsing the star further to
become either a neutron star or, if the
Oppenheimer-Volkoff Limit is also exceeded, a black hole.
(Dead Link Removed)
Subramanyan Chandrasekhar:
Nobel Laureate 1983


Well there goes my chance. :oops:

Nice work, Freaky.


Sebatron Thu, 10/21/2004 - 20:25

I remember hearing that Jeff's heart failure was a result of accidentally inhaling a pesticide that he'd just sprayed the trees in his yard with.

That's right !! That's what i was waiting for ...... 8-)

Actually that's the ' official ' story ,,
the unofficial story is that he had a similar fate to John Enthwhistle.
It wasn't pesticide at all. :!:

anonymous Thu, 10/21/2004 - 21:04

Sebatron wrote:

I remember hearing that Jeff's heart failure was a result of accidentally inhaling a pesticide that he'd just sprayed the trees in his yard with.

That's right !! That's what i was waiting for ...... 8-)

Actually that's the ' official ' story ,,
the unofficial story is that he had a similar fate to John Enthwhistle.
It wasn't pesticide at all. :!:

Ahh yes, the old 'whizz fizz'.

Not good at all.

Stick to light beer, kids. 8-)

Sebatron Thu, 10/21/2004 - 23:21

Ouch...Seb, was my post not very acceptable? 10pts?

Bri , I saw the film on Leary..... he got Cryogenically frozen i believe.
Just the head from memory.
How could he be awaiting in a ' lip-stick sized can ' ....?
Correct me if i'm wrong here.

Besides that ,, your post was about fifth in..... and i did make reference to the quicker posts getting better points...
I LOVED your font though.
Elaborate on Leary's whereabouts and the amount of physical space the frozen article occupies and you may earn some extra brass. 8)

Zemlin , don't bail out because ' Frenchy ' has the lead. Anything could happen.....
Everyone stay focused and aligned.
Look at the galaxy and rock and roll for meaning and never blur or stumble when in public....... particularly on stage........ > :lol:

anonymous Thu, 10/21/2004 - 23:38

Actually, the movie was lying...

"Throughout the interviews, Dr. Tim talked about his plans to have his head removed and frozen (using cryonics) when he died. He was dying of cancer when we shot this film and had only about six months to live. Dr. Tim figured there was one chance in ten million that he could be brought back to life one day if they froze his head, but he figured the odds were zero if they didn't. Dr. Tim explained that if they unfroze his head some day, he didn't want his old, sick body back. He wanted a new clone of himself or his brain popped into the body of a brain-dead person.

The official story is that Leary changed his mind about the deep freeze a month before he kicked the bucket. This might be true and might not, so don't ask me, this is not a press conference. The point is, Timothy Leary finally announced that he didn't want his head becoming an icon, and that he distrusted cryonics labs. So the official story is, he chose another publicity stunt for his farewell party instead - he was cremated and had some of his ashes shot into space.

But within a few months of Timothy Leary's death, our movie came out with an ending scene that showed Dr. Tim's demise, decapitation, and the storage of his frozen head. That's when the LSD guru's most serious-minded devotees got VERY upset with me and threatened to banish me if I ever showed up at one of their raves. Apparently, they kicked me out of Hippie-Land forever, and never again would I show up in San Francisco with flowers in my hair. Many of the former leaders of the Psychedelic Revolution denounced me because I had the audacity to do something UNTHINKABLE. They forgot that the very lesson Timothy taught us was that NOTHING is UNTHINKABLE, so do it (as long as it doesn't hurt anybody)."

Paul Davids, Director "Timothy Leary's Dead"

Bri Fri, 10/22/2004 - 02:27

Hey guys! Freaky, thanks for watching my back. ;)

You know, I researched this question for hours...I don't want to represent badly of course..

This question became a little frustrating. There was no good information that would completely satisfy the question. I came across every web page and article that had something to do with Leary's death.

So, the official story is he was originally planning to be cryogenically frozen, but after a falling out with the two relevant companies, he decided to face death and then be cremated...then have seven grams of his ashes put into a container(lipstick sized) and shot off into space where it will linger in low orbit for 18 months to ten years before re-entering the atmosphere...a fact which Leary was thrilled with..."becoming the light."

In regards to the cryogenic freezing:

"Leary had relationships with two cryonic organizations, the original ALCOR and then the offshoot CRYOCARE. When these relationships soured due to a great lack of trust, Leary requested that his body be cremated, which it was, and distributed among his friends and family." ( For example.

In regards to the movie:

"Leary's death was videotaped for posterity, capturing his final words forever. At one point in his final delerium, he spoke the words "why not." He uttered the phrase repeatedly, in different intonations and died soon after, His last word, according to Zach Leary, Leary's son, was "beautiful". The videotape was made into a movie. The movie was called Timothy Leary's Last Trip, and the filmmakers capitalized on his initial desire for cryogenic preservation by secretly creating a fake decapitation sequence without permission from Leary or his family. After the movie's release, the filmmakers declined to admit the scene's falsehood, possibly as a method to generate hype and sell tickets." (

So now my problem with the question became "where is he stored." After my research, I obviously had to assume you meant the seven grams of his ashes. (For I could not find any information on which family member has the rest of his fact some say, some of his ashes were also rolled up in joints here and there or mixed into some lsd blotters....heresay, but it was complicating my answer).

So, basically what I found was that seven grams of Leary's ashes were put into a small canister and rocketed up into an "orbital burial" sponsored by the Celestis company(which is now called something else...I can't recall) on a Spanish minisat research satellite(MiniSat-1) owned by the spanish government. Brought into orbit by a Pegasus XL solid fuel rocket ignited from the underbelly of a lockheed L-1011 jumbo jet at 39,000 feet to an orbit 300 miles above earth.

"On Monday, April 21, the Pegasus XL rocket successfully launched the Spanish Minisat-01 science satellite from Gando Air Base in the Canary Islands.....The ashes of 22 individuals, including Gene Roddenberry and Timothy Leary, were placed into ampules and placed in the 3rd stage of the Pegasus to utilize excess launch capability of the rocket."

In regards to Leary's storage:

"Celestis offers a unique approach for honoring and remembering recently departed individuals, while simultaneously opening the space frontier. The privately funded company offers to launch a symbolic 7-gram (0.25-oz.) portion of cremated remains in individually inscribed capsules aboard a special carrier attached to the top stage of a Pegasus XL or Taurus space launch vehicle. A number of appropriate alternatives are available for the final disposition of the balance of the remains." (

"On the way the Pegasus also sloughed off a canister owned by Houston Based Celestic INC. containing the individually encapsulated cremated remains of 24 former human beings. Seven grams of Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry were strapped in this 9X12 inch mausoleum. Another Lipstick sized aluminum capsule was reserved for a quarter ounce of Leary." (

So in regards to my post:

"For eight years Leary"(minus the difference between my "future date" and the original post date...illustrated the exact time he's been in space...I was being clever),

"In a lipstick sized can"(where he is and how much of him is there),

"awaits re-entry"(also illustrating where he, and that he still is, in orbit).

It was real difficult getting all that information into just 17 syllables. My intent was to be simple yet descriptive, and have it feel more organic than the regular bulletin board style...thus the Haiku format. I did the calligraphy myself, got it in the computer, figured out the myriad complications of getting it into the forum and not look like an image, etc., etc.(it was a lot of effort...for me at least).

Does any of this help at all Seb?

Man, I've got to go crash.

Sebatron Fri, 10/22/2004 - 03:27

OK Bri ,, i'll award you some extra points for the clarification.
But be warned .... this is NOT an open invitation to contestants to start the bickering and complainig that we had seen earlier in the game.... it may well backfire on you ......
Freaky gets five points as well for the extra DATA ,,,
... beware .... too much DATA leads to distortion and noise floor..... :roll:
A good filter is sometimes required.


OMARU : 40



BRI : 250

ZEMLIN : 265




Sebatron Sat, 10/23/2004 - 02:50

Let the bugs have my trees, I'm staying away from that crap.

:lol: 8-)

I'll only accept the first two CORRECT posts to this question.

Quickest reply gets the best points.
Good points for style and presentation.Try and copy the same format as the question.:?
BLUE is in at the moment...... a darker type for good contrast... 8-)
...and Bold where appropriate.....

We don't want too many words .... fourty or fifty is optimum ....
We don't want too many numbers .....
Try your best , it's not easy and you will be assesed accordingly...
It may be worth up to sixty points if it's sensible ,,, but only twenty points if it is mild... :cry:
Don't haggle.


*? lloR dna kcoR fo ‘ dnuos ‘ eht egnahc nociliS dna muinamreG did woH

Good luck.
Your time starts now !!!
Get to it. :wink:

Bri Sat, 10/23/2004 - 03:03

They were the materials Walter Brattain and John Bardeen used to create the first transitor...Germanium transistors were responsible for the harmonically-rich 50's '60's and 70's distortion. Silicon replaced germanium transistors providing a cleaner and stronger audio signal...great for preamps, but not if ya love classic overdriven guitar.

zemlin Sat, 10/23/2004 - 06:39

Better late than never

.murtceps eht fo dne tnednepednI eht ta tsael ta ,cisum dedrocer fo dnuos eht no tcapmi na dah ylniatrec evah soiduts tcejorP .erofeb ti dedroffa evah dluoc reven ohw snaicisum ynam fo sdnah eht ni raeg gnidrocer tup sah )trap a era ew hcihw fo( noitulover gnidrocer latigid eht ,rehtruf elttil a ti ekat uoy fI .yrtiucric desab-ebut htiw ,elbissop neve fi ,lacitcarp neeb evah ton dluow taht cisum ot sdnuos thguorb evah erom dna ,stnemurtsni lartsehcro dezisehtnys ,smurd cinortcelE ,stceffe latigid ,sdraobyek cinortcelE .cisum kcoR fo dnuos eht deretla evah taht stnemurtsni fo noitareneg wen a delbane osla ti ,sratiug dna spma fo dnuos eht detcapmi ylno ton stiucric cinortcele etats dilos etaerc ot nociliS dna muinamreG fo esu ehT

Translation :) :

The use of Germanium and Silicon to create solid state electronic circuits not only impacted the sound of amps and guitars, it also enabled a new generation of instruments that have altered the sound of Rock music. Electronic keyboards, digital effects, Electronic drums, synthesized orchestral instruments, and more have brought sounds to music that would not have been practical, if even possible, with tube-based circuitry. If you take it a little further, the digital recording revolution (of which we are a part) has put recording gear in the hands of many musicians who never could have afforded it before. Project studios have certainly had an impact on the sound of recorded music, at least at the Independent end of the spectrum.

Bri Sat, 10/23/2004 - 15:20

luos on sah ti., e.i...gnidnuos paehc dna ,evissergga erom ot devlove ylwols sah cisuM .evirdrevo cinomrah ",detaler yllacisum" ecudorp sngised evlav elihw ,deyalp (s)eton eht ot pihsnoitaler lacisum a evah ton od hcihw scinomrah ddo ecudorp sreifilpma rotsisnarT .scinortcele etats dilos suht ,rotsisnart eht tuoba thguorb nocilis dna muinamreG

Sebatron Mon, 10/25/2004 - 01:35

Bri , i've awarded you some points as you were second in replying to the question originally......too many attempts means an overload ( possible saturation ) of DATA..... which may amount to lost energy ...... and possible subtraction ..... :(
Freaky gets good points because of his quick reply ( within 3 minutes ) ..... and format.....
You are all doing extremely well.
Keep up the good work. 8-)

These are the new NOT NEGOTIABLE scores:


OMARU : 40



ZEMLIN : 275

BRI : 280




Sebatron Mon, 10/25/2004 - 01:54


Qui inventer les électrique guitare?….. quand?……Où?

Quickest replies get the best points.
Posts under 20 words are prefered.....
Only FIRST TWO correct posts accepted here please…..
A third post may score 10 points or less if it has an original twist.

!! won tca …. etatiseh t’noD.

The ‘sponsor’ says good luck to everybody and wishes them well. :lol:

Good luck.
Your time starts now !!!
Get to it. 8-)


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