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Anybody know of any good magazines out there for beginners to the home studio thing?

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Ang1970 Tue, 12/25/2001 - 22:30

Depends... what do you hope to get out of the magazines? That said, I would recommend TapeOp to just about anyone.

Also... There is so much info on the www, I find myself looking to magazines less and less for real and usable info. I'm still getting a few in the mail, but only for reference sake. It's starting to feel more and more like a waste of money and rainforest. But that's me. YMMV.

Doublehelix Fri, 12/28/2001 - 06:43

There are a couple that I read regularily, but as mentioned above, the Internet is a great place to browse.

1) Recording (USA) (

2) Computer Music (U.K.) (

3) Sound on Sound (U.K.) (

All 3 of these have international delivery, so no matter where you live, you can get a subscription. I live in the USA, and have all 3 of these delivered to my door. Computer Music has an included CD each month full of cool stuff, samples, loops, demo programs, VSTi's, etc.

Of the above 3, I like Computer Music the best. There are great tips for beginners as well as pros, plus great reviews, plus the CD.

Good Luck!