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Hey guys, I'm looking to record drums and guitar, what program would be good for this? I'd like good quality. Highest price I'll pay is $450 US. Thanks.


pr0gr4m Wed, 05/23/2007 - 14:22

Cubase and Sonar and both great programs and will be able to handle exactly what you need. There are plenty of others out there as well.

You will likely also need an audio interface into the computer. You don't want to record via any standard computer audio card.
Lots of these audio interfaces come bundled with software. If I were you, I'd shop for an interface that filled my needs that came with bundled software.

If you are unsure, for guitar, you really only need one input. But if you are recording live drums, you may need more than that. I'd recommend looking for one that has at least 4 inputs...preferrably with mic preamps.

There are lots of similar topics here, do a bit of searching and you'll get tons of information regarding the different programs and audio interfaces.