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Due to the massive demand and sudden success of our product….,
Sebatron is so pleased to announced an Expansion. :cool:

Yes that’s right…
I’m moving lab to a much larger premises.
..actually about Ten Times as large at least … and I’m very happy…. :tu:

I’ll be posting pictures hopefully in a few weeks.

Thankyou Sound God.




anonymous Fri, 10/24/2003 - 04:09

Ah shit Seb,
You said you wouldn't take up that offer from Uli B!
Congrats Seb...I'm no jingoistic Aussie but I sure as hell like seeing us sendin' out instead of bringin' in!
You've worked your arse off to get deserve it all!
Yeah! Thank the Sound God.
And ain't the web amazing hey?
Best wishes Seb,
Safe & sweet journey,


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