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Been tanning in the backyard watching the kids all day( skin cancer? who me?)Now I'm off to the beach to see Ronnie James Dio, Scorpions, and Deep Purple. The louder the better. :D

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SonOfSmawg Sun, 06/23/2002 - 15:51

Wow ... great line-up! I'd love to see that. I saw Dio when he was with "Elf" .. lol. Is Viv Campbell with him?
And Deep Purple is together? I guess I'm out of touch. Richie Blackmore still with em?
Ahhh ... and the Scorps ... gotta love em. Anytime one of the Schenker brothers is onstage it's gonna fuckin ROCK!
Hmmm ... wonder if that show is coming to Vegas?

Doublehelix Mon, 06/24/2002 - 07:52

I just saw the same show, and you are right...the Scorpions Rock!!! On this tour, the Scorps and the Deep Purple switch between headliners. The show I saw had the Scorps as the headliner...where they belong!!!

My opinion, Deep Purple was only fair. I thought Steve Morse was great however! Mr Gilliam cannot sing any more, and couldn't hit any high notes...yuck!!!

The Scorps really kicked some major ass!!! Mathias Jabbs plays so fluidly...Klaus Meine can still belt it out and their new drummer really rocks (although a bit stuck on himself!).

Unfortunately, I missed 99% of Dio (whom I love), I got there in the middle of his last song.


SonOfSmawg Mon, 06/24/2002 - 10:22

Hmmm ... Steve Morse filling the shoes of Richie Blackmore ... I'm curious how that's working out. Steve's a great player, but I just can't seem to picture him in that position. Not that he doesn't have the chops ... he may even be better than Richie ... but his natural style is WAY different. What did you guys think about this aspect in the live performances?

Tommy P. Mon, 06/24/2002 - 12:49

O.K.,I'll try to be cool and constructive about Steve Morse. I think he trys to play superstar guitar licks( a little too gimicky for my taste). Yes, I love fast riffs, but there is a time and place. He seemed bored within the constraints of Purple. Also, his timing is off,(Paice saved his ass once last night) and and he rarely seemed to lock in to the repetitive blues based journey Purple sails along on. He wouldn't have to work so hard if he would let the Paice/Glover team control the flow.
The intro to Smoke On The Water. Why jazz it up? Play it like a fuckin mantra. Play it twenty times straight up to the crowd. Build it up and the song will follow. Would anyone want to fuck with that Beethoven thing DUM DUM DUM DAAA. Nope. :D

michael c Mon, 06/24/2002 - 19:16

The Blackmore or Morse debate is an interesting topic and virtually without a definative answer. All i can say is that Ritchie is the DP slinger for me. It just sounds right. He's a giant among guitar players and a major influence on me. Wacky too nowdays, what with his crazy medieval pants and that stupendous wig! (he doesn't influence my fashion sense, thank gawd!)
And Steve Morse? A bone fide legend composer/guitarist. Put the Deep Purple debate aside for a moment and just reflect on Morse's body of work. There must be 20 something years worth there now. Guaranteed to be something awesome out of everyone of those years too. He is actually one of America's greatest composers.

Tommy P. Tue, 06/25/2002 - 17:18

Yes, Steve Morse is a great guitarist/composer. I think I've had a hard time trying to understand why a band I've idolized since I was a kid' just can't bring it all together. Ahh well what the heck, imagine what they (Purple) must be going through knowing the situation...Kinda like a marriage that will never work and no ones to blame... Someone has to make a move eventually :(