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NEW YORK (AP) _ Michael Jackson, considered to be among the best-compensated artists in the recording business, has become the latest star to call for "justice" in the way music labels treat their artists.

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SonOfSmawg Mon, 06/10/2002 - 18:46

I thought it was interesting that they used the same term that I have on RO, "indentured servants".
Back in the late eighties, I was offered a "sweet" deal by one of the biggest labels in the business (which shall remain nameless), but luckily I brought an awesome lawyer with me. Funny ... they didn't accept the counter-offer ... lol.
I think the sports figure comparison was right on. What if basketball stars had to accept t-shirt sales profits as their pay? LOL ... you'd have a lot of short, clumsey idiots playing ball! Hmmm ... and we wonder why there's so little good music on the radio when we know there are so many truly talented musicians around ....


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