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OK. This cockamamy idea will probably get me branded as a physics phool and an airflow airhead. OR -- I'm giving away a money-making idea for free.

Here it is:

Count Rumford Meets Steve Jobs

You know how we would all love to string a mike boom over the keyboards and in front of the monitor -- kinda like a giant gearshift, and drag down a vocal mike and hit the red button -- but WE CAN'T because the darned Mac/PC under the table is droning so loud, your vocals sound like you recorded them in a laundromat?

You know how the current solutions are cumbersome and expensive, involving soundproof computer closets, etc, etc?

You know how only the star-crossed iCube was a virtually silent Mac, but stunk for several reasons, i.e., no PCI slots, yada yada? (Stay with me here.)

Well, the other day I was reminded of Count Rumford, the guy who, oh, 200+ years ago (!) figured out the way to build a fireplace and chimney system that would deliver more heat to the living space, yet draw the smoke and combustion by-products out of the house more efficiently. Also, I was musing on the convection currents employed in the iCube -- and then...

Eureka? Not sure, but --> what if I removed the fan from the Mac case and used it's housing to trace and cut a 1/8" aluminum flange, attached a length of 4" aluminum dryer vent pipe to the flange, bent the vent pipe to the vertical, and attaching the whole unit to the Mac, began wrapping 120v electrical heat tape (or some other safe source of heat) around the vent pipe until the volume of warmed air exiting the pipe (from the convection created) equalled the volume of the original noisy fan ?

It would look like a demented barber pole, and introduce a new heat source into the room, but shouldn't it produce an equally-cooled and virtually silent Mac? Remember -- the air coming out of the case is already warm, we only need to add enough heat to boost the convection.

Am I nuts? Guys?

:cool: RW :cool:


SonOfSmawg Wed, 12/11/2002 - 06:36

Elias only posted his link once, and it was right on topic with this thread. I'd bet money that his post didn't yield a single sale. It was simply his way of showing that he has professional expertise in the area of discussion. BTW, I saw your site while doing my researching, and not through any references or links on RO. Great idea and implementation! It takes a lot of time, thought, and trial & error to develop ideas that are out-of-the-norm. I can definately relate. Kudos!
As far as this thread turning from Mac to peecee ... it's pretty irrelevant. The main thrust of the thread is obviously "silencing a computer". Whether it's a Mac or a peecee, the same principles apply. Why limit the the progression of the thread by making it platform-exclusive? That would be counter-productive.
My research into building a totally silent peecee ran into some roadblocks. The biggest one is the fact that the Zalman CNPS6000-Cu heatsink cannot be used without considerable airflow (a friggin fan). Secondly, finding an "acceptable" Athlon motherboard (chipset) for DAW application remains unattainable at this juncture. The ASUS DP board has many serious "issues", and the new nForce2 boards are "still not ready for prime time". I had considered switching to Intel, but after researching the matter, have decided that there are "issues" there that I don't want any part of.
That being said, I will tell you that I have built an Athlon based on the VIA KT400 chipset for non-DAW use in order to physically develop my ideas for "silencing the peecee beast". I've teamed-up with an engineer here in Pahrump who sees the merit and market for this technology, and we're full-steam-ahead. Unfortunately, due to the fact that this is now a business venture, and we will definately be applying for patents, I cannot give any specifics except to tell you that many ideas that I've already posted here are being utilized and modified. Once we have finished product, I will not be spamming RO to peddle my wares. Although, as pointed-out, others have done-so without reprimand. I became part of RO in it's infancy, with pure purpose of giving-back to the artform that has given me a lifetime of pleasure and satisfaction. I take RO very seriously, and would not do anything to compromise it's ideals.
Your Friendly, Neighborhood Administrator

KurtFoster Wed, 12/11/2002 - 09:04

In regards to Elias and his Silence Cases you posted the following comment.

I'd bet money that his post didn't yield a single sale.

Well you would be mistaken about that. The power of RO is far reaching. I ordered one myself and I am glad that he posted! Otherwise I wouldn't have seen his products. I hope he gets a lot of hits from it. In regards to the SPAMING issue, I think Robert made a very good point and I have to agree with him.

.... I must admit that I am puzzled by some people's ability to come around and tout his or her latest flamethrower PC, whizbang boomclutch, EQ, preamp, microphone or MP3 and not get accused of spamming but if you don't happen to be a moderator and you do it, you get whizzed on.

SOS, as you pointed out, this is a thread about cooling computers, Macs or PeeCees. When you get your project done and are ready to market it please let us all in on the details. There are two sides to this coin. In fairness, I would like to point out that many of the individuals who tout their products and projects here, pay RO for ad banners. This helps offset server and administration cost which are considerable. In addition they also contribute a considerable amount of content, which by the way, is full of valuable knowledge. I can't say where I (and a lot of the rest of you) would be without the assistance and contributions of Opus, Bill Roberts and Stephen Paul to name just a few. In Opus's case I dare say many of us would be trying to figure out how to get our machines working without crashing every ten minutes! Perhaps if Elias sees an opportunity here at RO he too will buy a banner to market his fine products. I encourage all of you to consider his Silence Cases. I exchanged several emails with Elias and I find him to be doing good business. He has responded to all my needs and requests and has been very easy to work with. He is a very nice man! I feel that this is going to be a good purchase for me. In closing I would say that RO is a valuable resource for people looking for solutions in audio. Let's all endeavor to open up the possibilities rather than try to limit them ...... Fats

It's my opinion, I'll play with it if I want to!

KurtFoster Wed, 12/11/2002 - 11:33

I am glad to see that you have decided to stick around.... I for one look forward to all of your posts. I find them to be informative and at times, humorus. As I mentioned before it is nice to read contributions from someone who is a professional writer. We all need to (IMO) rembember that this is, afterall, just the internet, not world hunger. I want to enjoy the time I spend here, not work up a heart attack! If I want to fight I know all the right buttons to push with my wife. I will keep you all posted as to how the Silence Case works.. It will be after the new year as Elias needs to custom configure one for me..I have a 26" tower and I don't think he has built one that big before. I have great hopes that this will be a solution to the noise pollution in my studio area. Robert, please keep posting, I need the entertainment! .......Yer online buddy, ...... Fats

anonymous Fri, 12/13/2002 - 18:29

ok ladies and gents. I'm not elias. ha ha ha. I actually found out about that link from a friend of mine when we were trying to find ways to quiet our pc's. when i saw the thread, i thought it was a good idea for it and posted it because i thought it was a great product for both pc and mac users. hope this puts out any flames that might have started and be hearing from yallz soon.

anonymous Tue, 12/17/2002 - 09:39

Ok all,

i've got another project i'd love to get some ideas towards. I've been thinking of building some gobo's for my studio. I'd really like them to be as easy to store, move as possible and look good, and of course provide isolation between instruments. I've been thinking about half height gobo's since I do alot of recordings of jazz groups that don't like listening in headphones. but I don't know if that will provide enough isolation. Anyone have experience with this topic? I posted this here since I know ya'll are a resourceful group with good ideas. I know used office dividers are nice and cheap, but i hate the cubicle thing.

KurtFoster Tue, 12/17/2002 - 09:59

If I had your woodworking skills, I would build diffusers that were on wheels to facilitate moving. I would have one side as a diffuser and one side with studio foam so I could choose between live and absorptive surfaces. There is a thread regarding diffusers on "Small Steps" where I moderate... take a look.

(Dead Link Removed)

It's good to see you back. Keep posting. I am working on selling that MCI 2" 16 track headstack or perhaps my super clean vintage '62 Fender Bassman to raise the cash for the Silence Case. You will hear from me soon. Fats

It's my opinion, I'll play with it if I want to!